Saturday, June 11, 2016

Wet Concerts, Building Stuff, Kindergarten Celebration & Library Fun

Last Saturday Tyler and I had tickets to a Dashboard Confessional Concert. This was a band that we listened to while we were dating so I was pretty excited, thinking this date might make us feel youthful again, ha! It was completely miserable. We had lawn seats and it rained the ENTIRE time. I had seen a sign when we were parking that said 'no umbrellas' so I left ours in the car, only to find out that they were totally allowed and we could have saved ourselves some major soakage. On top of the non stop rain, all the people around us were smoking, it was suffocating. Then there was this super fun opening band that literally just screamed all their songs and then said the f-bomb as much as they could in between songs. By the time "Dashboard" came on stage we were wet, cold and ready to go home. We managed to find a spot to stand under the pavilion, listened to a few of their songs, took a selfie to prove that we did hang in there and then headed home. 

We learned two valuable lessons #1: We are old #2 Always splurge for seats under the pavilion, ALWAYS

Penny had a very emotional week, this is her life story. I am trying harder to make her eat meals instead of snacking all the time and she does not appreciate this. I have been given lots of stink eyes and she has started this super stinker habit of folding her arms when she's ticked off (lucky for her, it's also super cute). 

Wednesday I hosted Bunco at my house and even though we had 3 people not show, it still turned out really fun. My neighbor, Stefanie, came and had fun with all us Mormon folk. I kept the food simple with BBQ chicken sandwiches, watermelon, salad and store bought pies. I'm glad I kept it simple because then I wasn't super stressed out and I was able to enjoy the night. And people seemed to like my fun summer themed prizes (beach chairs, picnic blanket, tote with summer reads and water bottle...) Now I can just enjoy Bunco because my turn is done for awhile!

Also this week I did lots of volunteering in Mrs. Hess's room. She likes to do lots of what I call "fluff" things like gifts for the kids, gifts for the moms, time capsules...She had lots to get done so me and my girls went in 3 mornings to help. I enjoy being back in the classroom and doing these things. It makes me think that maybe I should start subbing again...we could definitely use the money!

On Thursday the boys got started on making a gift for their teacher. With the help of Tyler they are making centerpiece boxes that we will put 3 mason jars in and then we will fill the jars with flowers and maybe other fun things. Steven had fun using the drill and I enjoyed watching them. I'll post another picture when they are all done. 

Friday was the Kindergarten Celebration. Tyler couldn't make it so I was on my own with the girls. Trying to keep them happy led to this cute picture:

It was fun watching Ben sing the songs. He didn't always know the words but he tended to do really good with all the hand motions. And when he did know the words he sang them animatedly. I cannot believe that he only has 3 more days of Kindergarten! Even if Mrs. Hess has been a little chaotic, and into the fluff, she has still been a good teacher for him. She has a very loving heart and has worked hard with him. He is definitely going to miss her!

Saturday we went to the library to join their kick off for their summer reading program. There was face painting, tattoos, coloring, hat making and balloon making. The kids enjoyed it but Steven got into some trouble because he refused to say thank you. He ended up having to mow our lawn and clean out his closet as punishment. This meant that he was late to a birthday party and he was very upset. I'm grateful to Tyler for coming up with his punishment though. I think it was exactly what he needed to learn some gratitude and it was quite funny to see his little body behind a lawn mower, I wish I had taken some pictures!

Also on Saturday, my car refused to start when I went to leave the Dollar Tree. Thankfully, I had no kids with me so it was only me that had to suffer the hour and a half wait in the 90 degree heat. I ended up having it towed by AAA home and of course 10 minutes after it got home, it was working again. I desperately want a new WORKING car but I also desperately want a house and it is just not possible to have both. I hate being a grown up and having to make these tough decisions. 

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