Saturday, June 18, 2016

School's Out

The kids had their last few days of school this week. In Ben's class they have had what they called "Camp Learn A lot" so for the last day of their camp, they got to make and eat s'mores. I was lucky enough to come in and help them make them (using toaster ovens, not fires). Lucy was lucky enough to get to eat one too:

Steven's class got to celebrate the end of school by going of a field trip to an indoor pool. I didn't get to go with him but my friend did and she sent me this picture of him with his good friend, Liam:

And since school was coming to the end we had to finish up our teacher's gifts. Here's the end results, complete with mason jars, flowers and candy:

On the last day of school we were supposed to have a swim party with some church friends but the weather was looking rainy so they cancelled. Honestly, I was relieved! I guarantee that pool water would have been freezing and I gaurantee that my girls would have had made me get in it so that I could make sure they didn't drown. Not my idea of fun. Since I knew the boys would be disappointed, I tried to make it up to them. First me and the girls walked to school so that we could all walk home with our neighbors and our neighbor's friends.

Lucy waiting outside the school for the boys, looking cool: 

Our walking group:

After we got home we played in the cold hose water and then had some yummy popsicles:

Then we watched a movie on Netflix and after that we all went out to dinner at Chili's. I know none of that is quite the same as pool party fun but I think the boys still had fun and felt like the last day of school was properly celebrated.

This week also greeted us with more teeth woes. I went to another dentist who confirmed that Penny did have 6 cavities, but this dentist said he wouldn't fix them until she was 3. When I called the other dentist to tell him  this he got upset and said I should absolutely NOT wait until she was 3 to get them fixed. These two conflicting opnions stressed me out so after talking to my mom I decided to call a dentist I trusted in AZ. And miracle of miracles, they're going to fix Penny's teeth when I come with her in July for Jezerea's wedding. And the icing on top, they're only going to charge $550 for the anesthesia, whereas here they were going to charge $1700. Crazy what a price difference!

Other news, Tyler is determined not buy me a new vehicle so I am stuck with my unreliable van. We did take it in to the shop to get another problem it has looked at (it has a leak). They told us that problem will cost $1000 to fix, ugh. When we went to pick up (we're going to bring it back later to get that fixed) it wouldn't start so we had themm look at the problem that is driving me nuts. Their assessment, way too complicated, take it to the dealership. Seriously hating on my van. And seriously not sure if it's worth pouring money into but Tyler is determined not to have car payments. Frustrating.

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