Saturday, May 14, 2016

Mother's Day & Rainy Days

Mother's Day was Sunday. Tyler was very sweet and made me strawberry crepes for breakfast. I managed to sit down and eat one in between getting all my crazies ready for early morning church and they were delicious. At church I took Lucy to the bathroom right before the Primary kids sang their Mother's Day song. That meant she didn't get to sing to me and I only caught the tail end of the boys singing to me, fail.

When we came home from church I got to properly check out my Mother's Day gifts: I got 2 cute signs, a comfy pair of shoes and 5 hanging plants for my porch. Spoiled! And then I was lucky enough to get a little nap. I'm a lucky lady!

The rest of this week was a tough week. The girls went absolutely nutso every time we ran errands. Lucy ran around Walmart pulling things from shelves and climbing on shelves. Penny threw many a tantrums, literally throwing herself down on store floors. Seriously tough. All I have to say is that they are SO lucky they are cute. Here is Penny showing me her nose and fully clothed with church shoes in the shower.

Thursday night Tyler took the crazy girls and Benny on an errand of his own so I decided to take Steven out on a little date to the Farmer's Market. However, due to some impending rain, by the time we got there, the Farmer's Market was closing down. We decided not to let that ruin on our fun so we headed to the Burger Joint instead and got ourselves a milkshake. It was a really nice walk, a really yummy shake and I had some really nice conversations with Steven. It was a first time in a long time that I wasn't just getting frustrated with his stinky attitude. And the cherry on top was that we made it home moments before the rain majorly poured down. 

Tyler was back from his errand by the time we got back so all of us gathered on the porch and enjoyed the rain without getting wet:

Also this week, Steven brought home a Scholastic Book Order and told me he really wanted this book about deadly rocks (the book also comes with rocks) so I told him he would have to earn the money. We worked out this wonderful arrangement where he is now folding and putting away the laundry for me for dollars. Although it's a bit of a learning curve for him, it has been quite nice sharing the daily laundry burden with him:

Last night the boys went to the Ward Fathers & Sons camp out. Of course Tyler didn't take any pictures so it remains undocumented. All I know is...the fancy trick Tyler was going to use to start the fire was a fail, Captain Moroni came to visit, they got rained on and froze all night and they came home smelling like camp fire. Sounds like a success right!?

Funny things:

Steven told me that dad made him stay up late when I had Bunco this week. So I asked him, did he MAKE you stay up late or did you WANT to stay up late. His answer, "Kind of in the middle."

I have this bad habit of joking that I want to jump off a cliff when the kids are making me batty. Apparently I should stop saying such terrible things. One night I asked Ben if he would take care of me when I got old and his reply was, "No, I'll just drive you to a cliff. You always say you want to jump off one." Such.A.Stinker.

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