Saturday, May 28, 2016

Curls, Heels & Green

Penelope has a love/hate relationship with open car windows. Sometimes she just puts her hands in the air, like she just don't care, other times she freaks out! Obviously in the picture below she is loving!

This week I have been trying to cut some sugar out of Penny's diet (due to her poor decaying teeth) but I haven't had much success. Her drinkable yogurts are pretty high in sugar so I made some drinkable yogurt by blending together greek yogurt with frozen strawberries. She loved it for all of the few seconds I took the picture and then she wouldn't touch it again. Fail.

We've had a bit of a heat wave this week, 80's and humid. I like what the humidity has done to Penny's hair, it's made it wavy and adorable!

I don't think the heat has been agreeing with Lucy though. She has been cranky and irritable this week, more tired. The heat is wearing her out and making her an incredibly awful shopping companion and playmate. Despite her crankiness though she did super well when she got her cavity filled at the Dentist Thursday. No freaking out or crying. She just laid there and watched My Little Pony while they numbed her tooth and drilled away. I was so proud of her! 

And also, despite the heat, she still has her same old silly personality: striking sassy poses, eating mashed potatoes with ketchup, wearing heels and playing with tampons. 

So my super amazing friend is not only watching my girls while I go to this wedding but she also lent me some shoes to choose from for the wedding. The kids got a hold of them and tried them on. It was hilarious to watch the boys try to walk in the heels, lots of falling. Lucy, however, was a natural!

Saturday we dropped Tyler off at the airport for Mariah's wedding. Everything went so smoothly for him and I hope I have the same fate when I leave Monday. Unfortunately things were not smooth going home. There was an accident that made for a long drive home. I figured we needed to get out and play so I decided we would stop at Kensington on the way home. But things did not go smoothly, we kept getting stuck behind slow cars on our drive to the nature trails, then Penny did not want to put on one of her shoes and screamed when I put it on, the bathroom was closed and Ben really had to go, Lucy did not want to walk she wanted to go inside the nature center was a string of awful things. But those awful things stopped and we ended up having a nice little walk on one of the trails. It was shady so we didn't roast and everything was so dang green and beautiful. I'm glad in the end we had a fabulous time! 

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