Saturday, May 21, 2016

Another Week

Did I tell you Tyler's truck is out of commission again? Well, it is. He's been able to check out a work car during the week but not on the weekends. So on Sunday he had to stay after church for a meeting and that meant we all got to stay late at church. Thankfully Penny had a bag of pretzels that lasted her for all that time and the drive home. These pretzels made her a very happy camper.

Penny also picked out what she wanted to wear after church Sunday: jammies, a skirt and a backwards crown. When I tried to show her the right way to wear a crown, she quickly flipped it back around. Apparently wearing a backwards crown is all the rage.

I've been trying off and on to work with Lucy on learning the outfit but I can never seem to get her interested. Recently I came across these dot paint pens and thought they might be the route to go since Lucy loves painting. They have worked like a charm! Lucy loves using her dot paint pens to make alphabet letters. I'm not sure if she's learning anything but at least she is doing the worksheets and having fun!

Lately I have been trying to shake things up at dinnertime and have been trying out new recipes that I have discovered on Pinterest. One night this week, I made this yummy chicken tortilla casserole, however it was pretty spicy so the kids were not fans. After taking a bite Benny says, "I don't really like it, but it's yummy!" Totally makes sense right?

Thursday night Benny got to go on a "date" with me. We went to Meijer's and Target and got prizes for when I am hosting my Bunco group. I know it wasn't the most exciting date ever but Benny still managed to make it fun. I took both of these pictures because he said "Mom take my picture!" Funny kid:

The weather has actually been good to us, no rain this week, so we enjoyed lots of time outside. Love my girls:

Bad news from this week...Both Lucy and Penny had dentist appointments and the verdict wasn't good. Lucy has 1 cavity and they are going to try to do it just the regular way, no gas or anything. = Fingers crossed that goes ok! Penny has 6 cavtities. She will need anesthesia and will likely have to go to the hospital to get her cavities fixed. This is so sad for her and for our bank account. The dentist we saw doesn't have hospital privileges so we had to get appointment with another one who won't be able to see her until June 13th. That gives me plenty of time to worry about how much this is actually going to cost us, ugh!

So instead of ending with bad news, lets end with positive. The kids have such good friends! Lucy & Penny had such a fun morning with their buddy Wesley this week. And today, after helping paint porches for an Eagle Scout Project (the kids were super helpful ;) ) Lucy, Steven & Ben have spent the whole afternoon playing with Beck & Eva.I love all our Michigan friends! 

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