Saturday, November 7, 2015

A Calm Week

The last couple weeks have been kind of crazy between having Grandma in town, Halloween and Lucy's birthday. This week, things finally felt like they went back to normal and it was nice to have a pretty unexciting week for once. Also this week the weather warmed up and we were blessed with lots of days in the 70's. It was a good week!

What we did...The kids had no school Tuesday and we spent the morning grocery shopping! Lucky kids! Wednesday was my friend Laci's birthday so we pigged out on cinnamon rolls while the kids played at the mall. Thursday was spent visiting teaching and going to a stake primary meeting. Friday morning I watched a friend's little boy and Friday night Tyler and I took the kids out to Red Robin's where they all behaved surprisingly well. And today was the Primary Program Practice. I have been placed behind the microphone and entrusted with too much responsibility. We'll see how tomorrow goes *gulp*! So as you can see, a nice and normal week!

My kids in a nutshell:

Penny has been a fussy child as of late and some days she can make me sooo cRaZy! But she makes up for it by loving me lots. I am the only person she'll walk too which makes me feel pretty special. She takes a handful of steps but still isn't walking like a champ. And she has officially worn out the bottoms in one pair of leggings thanks to her butt scootin' ways. She is also a pretty picky eater and pretty much survives on milk, go-gurt, and goldfish. Every once in awhile she will expand her horizons to include some sort of fruit or toast but that is not an always thing.

Steven and Benny keep busy with school and homework. They both have also been very into the Target Christmas Toy Catalog we have got and deciding what Santa is going to get them. They have some very high aspirations. They just need to work on making sure their behavior doesn't exclude them from getting these things. Ben for the most part does good because he is easily motivated by the jewels we earn for screen time- these jewels have finally gotten him eating all his lunch instead of just one or two bites. Steven, on the other hand, has been struggling with fighting with his siblings and isn't as easily motivated to be good. They are both lucky that they are just so darn handsome:

And Lucy. Oh my Lucy. Anytime I tell her about anyone from Nursery she says "he my friend!" Always "he," even for the girls. And you CAN NOT say they're your friend because she will get very upset and say, "NO! He MY friend!" She also has started to say "No problem" when asked to do something. Which is nice right, except she doesn't actually do what she was asked to do. And this little stinker is all mine, all the time because she only takes a nice, long nap about once a week. Most days she will stay upstairs and take a break for like 30 minutes but then she's back down, ready to play. Lucky that I love her.

This week she spent the money her great grandparents gave her for her birthday on these lovely accessories and an Elsa dress. She is such a Diva:

And to end this post here is Lucy with what she believes to be a snack sized bowl:

I was in the bathroom when she asked for some goldfish so I told her to get a bowl and I would pour it for her when I was done. She decided to pick the largest bowl possible and then pour it herself. Quite ambitious!

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