Monday, November 2, 2015


After carving our pumpkins Halloween morning we raked leaves! Super exciting, right!? The boys earned $10 that morning by filling up 10 bags of leaves. We still have at least 10 more bags of leaves left to do. This whole Fall thing makes for a lot of work. But Steven was pretty excited about this working and earning money thing, he kept telling me that today was the best day ever. So of course, immediately after earning this money, the boys wanted to go spend it. So Tyler obliged and the boys spent the afternoon spending their new found wealth. They also made a stop at Verizon where they got me a new phone- whoop whoop! I finally have a phone that can handle group and picture texts and the battery will get me through the day and then some! Yippee!

Then night came and it was time to go trick-or-treating! As I was trying to finish getting the kids ready, people started coming to our door. It stressed me out a bit but we just turned off lights, shut the door and headed to the backyard for some pre-trick-or-treating pictures. The boys are into Star Wars, and Target had a sale so a Star Wars theme it was. I don't normally get into the dressing  up thing but due to a costume party we were invited to I got into the spirit and it was quite fun. Here we are:

Tyler and Penny came with us to a few houses and then they went back to the house to hand out candy.

They were lucky that they got to hand out candy under the safety of the porch because after we got nice and far from our house, the rain came down. It wasn't a super heavy rain but enough to get us damp and to make the 48 degree temp feel a little colder. The boys were all about persevering through the rain for a bit but eventually the cold got to Steven and he started complaining that he couldn't feel his hands and that the wet and cold was going to make him sick and he wanted to go home. So home we went. Here are our after pictures:

Our lucky Penny, nice and dry:

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