Friday, November 20, 2015

Fun Times & Sick Times

Monday the weather warmed up a bit so as soon as the boys got off of school we all walked down to the park. We had a pretty fun last hurrah at the park! Lucy enjoyed making all sorts of "funny" faces for the camera:

Lucy also had her first dentist appointment on Monday. She was so quiet and shy and literally did not talk the entire time we were there. She kept her eyes glued on the "Sofia the First" episode that was playing and did what she was told. The whole staff was impressed with how well she did! I just smiled and pretended like she is always this angelic. As soon as we got out of the office she yammered on about the "strawberry shortcake" toothpaste they gave her (it was strawberry flavored). She, as typical, still points to her teeth and says "dentist put strawberry shortcake." 

This week Steven got lucky and found not only a jacket that he had lost at school, but I found his $6 that he had lost ages ago. He had worked hard to earn that money to get a Minecraft book at the Bookfair and somewhere between getting it and the next morning, it was gone! There was a lot of wailing and weeping and him claiming that he put it in his backpack but weeks later I found it under the couch so hmmm...

Benny seems to be enjoying school these days, no more tears! He's also started "reading" books to me. Basically he memorizes the repetitive sentence and will recite them to me but it's still fun to have him read to me. He also gets really excited about things he does in class. This week he made a paper turkey and made sure to tell me his progress on it each day. Love my little Kindergartner. 

And speaking of turkeys, we found this one in front of a nearby business:

Penny Pants and Lucy both came down with colds Tuesday (runny noses and a fever for Lucy) and they have both been terrible sleepers, waking up several times at night. And on top of that, poor Penny is still figuring out this walking thing and keeps falling. She ended up hitting her eye on the corner of our coffee table and got a terrible black eye from that. It was perfect timing for the pictures we got done Friday. My friend did the kids individual pictures Friday (she had done the family ones already) and while the boys were super cooperative, the whiny, fussy, black eyed, runny nose girls did not do so fabulous. I don't have hopes for their pictures. Maybe we'll just have to put this cute pic of her on the Christmas card instead:

Other going ons: 

I ended up getting the book for my Book Club super last minute (it was unattainable from the library so I had to wati for someone to share) and I finished reading all 10 hours of it in 3 days. I was impressed with myself and also equally exhausted. But at least I got to reward myself by going to book club with my friends and eating yummy pear cake there. 

We went to Milford's Big Reveal Thursday night. This is where businesses put wrapping paper up on their windows and then the kids get to rip it off and see the Christmas displays behind them. It was FREEZING! Low 40's with strong winds and I just wanted to get back into my warm bed but I think the kids enjoyed it. Steven was especially proud of himself for pulling off such a big piece of wrapping paper. The window they revealed was unexciting but they really loved the windows that had real live people in them (one with a winter prince and princess dancing) and they of course enjoyed the hot chocolate that my neighbor bought for them. She is much too nice! 

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