Monday, November 2, 2015

Lucy's Birthday

I decided to throw Lucy an early birthday party while Grandma was still in town. I was originally going to do a tutu/ballerina theme with all sorts of handmade Pinteresty things but after a trip to the dollar store it was decided that a purple Princess party with store bought decorations was the much easier option. We got Princess crowns, necklaces, stickers, placemats and a lovely purple tablecloth: 

I did make some crown shaped PB&J sandwiches, compliments of an awesome cookie cutter:

The funny thing about the sandwiches is that my cute sandwiches were apparently unappealing to kids because they did not look like a normal sandwich. Most of the kids just picked at them.

I also made some "fancy" cupcakes:

Lucy didn't eat my sandwiches either, she basically just had Dorito's because, why not? It's her birthday and she can eat what she wants to!

I ordered "Place the tiara on Aurora's head" from Amazon and it was quite funny to see Lucy and her 4 friends attempt to play it. They did not understand the purpose of the blindfold at all. Why must we wear this thing that makes it so we can't see? A few friends flat out refused to wear it and one got grumpy when she took it off and saw that the tiara was in the wrong spot, she wanted to fix it! Lucy just kept pulling it up so she could see and with that cheating, she got the tiara in the exact right spot.

So apparently these cuties were not quite ready for a party game but I still think it was a fun attempt.

After lunch and the game, Lucy got sung to:

And then she got spoiled with presents galore! She got a sticker book, a magnet scene, a Sofia book and Sofia toys, purses, a wand, candy, Rapunzel & Cinderella barbie dolls but her favorite present had to be the purple dress that Audrey got her. These 2 are such good friends and such trouble together (they kept running upstairs and hiding):

Audrey was the only girl that came to Lucy's Princess party. The other girl we invited couldn't make it. But the rest of her guests were real troppers with her Princess theme. We even got a couple of them to wear the crown and necklace. Here is Lucy with her good buddy Wesley:

And here she is with Graham:

Her other friend, Zane, was apparently all boy and had no interest in wearing such things. 

All in all I think it turned out perfectly! Lucy had a great time and we were so glad that Grandma could be with us to celebrate!

Onto Lucy's ACTUAL birthday. Her real birthday was Sunday which is kind of a not too exciting day. She was getting really cranky in the morning before church so we let her open her presents from Grandma Hatch. She got another purple dress, a crown, shoes and a tiara. Spoiled!

She absolutely loves her Sofia dress and we had a hard time getting here to take it off for church. But she eventually complied and I think she looked equally as cute in her church outfit:

She had a good time in Nursery at church being with all her friends. They even gave her a crown and some play dough. When we got home Tyler decorated her "tutu" cake. Lucy kept calling it her tutu cake but it always sounded like she was saying "choo choo." She loved her fancy cake:

Lucy had a rough time keeping her 3 fingers up so Tyler tried to help her:

After dinner our neighbors, the Farquharson's, came over for some cake and ice cream. It's always nice to have a few extra voices when we sing "happy birthday" but we still can't match the magnitude of a true Hatch family birthday song.

Spoiled Lucy Lou got even more presents: a pretend hair styling kit, a stick pony that sings and a Princess Sofia purse from us. A book and a mask making kit from our neighbors. 

And I'll end with some of Lucy's favorite things:

Favorite color: purple
Favorite books: Any Disney Princess book
Favorite Song: "I'll walk with you"
Favorite treats: Swedish fish, pops (lollipops)
Favorite TV Shows: Strawberry Shortcake, Princess Sofia, Angelina Ballerina
Favorite phrase: "He my friend" (even if its a girl)
Favorite food: PB&J's 
Favorite clothes: purple dresses

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