Saturday, November 14, 2015

Gratitude Pumpkins, Doctor Visits & Other Things

Another super unexciting week which makes me happy. Unfortunately, this week the weather decided to take a turn for the cold which doesn't make me happy. We even got some snow flurries yesterday- boo!

Some of our happenings this week...

*On Monday we printed out pictures of everything the boys wanted for Christmas and then narrowed down the list to how much they can actually get. This was a good move because now they can stop focusing on what they want. The list is made and it is final. No more thinking about it.

*To counteract with all the greediness, for family home evening that night, each kid received a gratitude pumpkin. Every night at dinner the kids write one thing they are grateful for on it. So at least for one minute of each day they remember to be grateful:

*On Tuesday we had lunch bunch at our house since the lady in my Ward who normally hosts it needed a break. Unfortunately hosting it here made me have to do some intense (but much needed) cleaning. I'm not sure why I bothered though, the kids who came just exploded everything anyways. 

*Wednesday night I had my BUNCO group and I rolled 4 BUNCO's pretty much in a row! I had such amazing luck for one round and then, it disappeared :( It was fun while it lasted and at least I still placed second but I was a depressing 3 points away from first place and from that $50 Target giftcard. Sad day!

*Thursday Miss Lucy had her three year checkup. All is well with her and she is just growing big, big, big! She now weighs 34 pounds and is 3 feet 3 inches tall. She was really nervous for the appointment (thanks to Steven traumatizing her last time) and kept saying "I'm scared of the doctor!" But luckily she didn't need any shots so hopefully she'll be less scared for next time. The doctor did tell her to pat dry after peeing and now every time she pees she says, "Doctor say pat pat pat!" She's such a little parrot. She's also been super crazy this week, into anything and everything, constant messes and destruction and with her not napping but once a week....I'm exhausted!

*Thursday we had a belated birthday celebration for my friend Laci at the Cheesecake Factory. We had a good turn out with about 7 other ladies there and we had way too much fun. Goodness I love me a good girl's night!

* On Friday we went over to Laci's house to entertain Wesley so she could get some packing done (she's moving out of her condo into a house 5 minutes away). Wesley adores Lucy and they had fun hiding in a box together. This was the best picture I could get though because Wesley always runs as soon as someone tries to take his picture:

* Also on Friday Lucy fell asleep in the car when we picked up the boys from school. Since it was too cold to leave her in the car, I carried her inside expecting her to wake up but when I set her down on Benny's little trampoline she stayed sleeping. She must of been exhausted from all her craziness at last:

*This week Penny has really become a walker! Already the days of her walking just to me are over! She walks on her own quite often so I think very soon we will be able to officially call her a walker! It's crazy how much they change in just a week! Love her and her cheesy smile:

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