Saturday, September 26, 2015

Sunday Best & Outside Time

I love how cute all my kids look when they are all dressed and ready for church. I desperately wanted to get a picture of them looking all fancy before they came home all mucked up but it is really hard to get 4 kids to cooperate for the camera. Benny was crying that the light was in his eyes (even after I moved the couch so it wouldn't be) and Lucy was being her normal crazy self and then there was Penny who refused who look at the camera. Ugh, my kids are hopeless!

This week potty training Lucy continued, only with a lot less effort. I haven't tried super hard to get her to the potty, I just check in with her anytime I realize it's been awhile. Overall it hasn't been a horrible but it hasn't been perfect either. She hasn't peed her pants at home at all this week but she has had several #2 accidents (once in her pants and once on the bathroom rug). However, every time we went out she had an accident. I'm starting to just put her in pull ups when we go out which I don't know if it will cause future problems but it does save my sanity.

So besides potty training this week, I did some visiting teaching, the girls and I went to a lunch bunch at the Chappel's home- it was zucchini themed and everyone brought zucchini bread but me! Go me! I brought zucchini pizza boats- and I spent a lot of time rooting through and organizing our basement. The basement part was not fun but I got a lot of things together that we can get rid of so that feels good. Also this week we spent a lot of afternoons outside. With highs in the 70's everyday, the weather has been perfect!

*Side note* Benny has had a much better week at school this week. First week of school- he loved it! Second week- constant sad death march to class. Third week- he loves school again. Hopefully we don't have a pattern on our hands and instead he will just decided to continue to be a happy with school...

Also this week, Penny's mullet was shaved off and now she has straight up little boy hair:

And I baked a birthday cake for my friend Tina and then moments later, this happened courtesy of Lucy and a distracted mom who was trying to sell things from the basement on the internet:

But never fear, we redid it. Tina's request, a chocolate covered frog (like from Harry Potter):

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