Saturday, September 12, 2015


After our fun Labor Day adventure it was time for school to start. Benny was pretty excited to start Kindergarten and was pretty fearless. Probably because he only had a half day the first day and I got to be there with him the whole time (they do things differently here in Michigan). Here he is before we left:

Had to get some sibling shots and they did a good job at pretending they love each other ;):

Then it was time to take some pictures of Steven, my second grader. He's an old hat at this school thing so he didn't seem nervous at all:

 Lucy, of course, wanted in on the picture taking fun too so I revised the sign a bit to make it work for her. Here she is zoning out: 

Since parents are required on the first day of school for Kindergartners, Tyler worked from home so he could watch the girls while I went to school with Benny. Without the crazy girls, we decided it was a prefect day to walk to school:

After getting Steven to the appropriate spot, Benny and I found his spot and then I got to go to class with him. We begun the day with a tour of the school and then we did some work together. Here is Benny filling out a book about his first day:

And then he used the word tiles to make every name in our family:

After that the parents got to fill out paperwork while the kids got to have recess. Then it was over and we walked home. Benny's only complaint that day was of hunger, because they didn't get a snack time. Luckily there is normally a snack time so I don't think hunger will be a typical problem.

It was a super easy first day for Ben. He was able to make some friends that day which made him way less nervous for Wednesday, when he had to go to school for a full day without me. He didn't even cry when I left him on Wednesday. Lucy, on the other hand, threw a gigantic fit when we had to leave. She had a back pack on and was apparently under the false notion that she got to go to school too. Unfortunately for me I had decided to walk the kids to school once again. This meant that I had to walk back carrying my normal load of Penny and my screaming load of Lucy. Not fun. I have once again sworn off walking the kids to school.

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