Saturday, September 12, 2015

Labor Day

For Labor Day I decided since Tyler was off and we had no plans we should take a little trip to one of the great lakes. I had a hard time deciding where to go until I realized that I had to take the dog we were watching into account for our decision. Not wanting to take her with us and not wanting to leave her in the kennel for too long, led me to decide on Lake Huron since it was the closest. I also wanted to see a lighthouse which led us to Fort Gratiot, only 1.5 hours away.

When we got to Fort Gratiot the kids immediately wanted to go inside the lighthouse so after taking a picture outside of it...

...we went and got our tickets for a tour. For the first part of the tour they took us into a few buildings by the lighthouse- the pump room where we watched a video and some living quarters:

Then we got to go inside the lighthouse and climb to the top. Steven, who had been so eager for this, ended up getting really nervous and scared about the height. I can't say I blame him because it made me a little nervous too. Thankfully we had a really helpful tour guide who helped the kids through it and we all made it to the top and back without any injuries:

After our fun in the lighthouse we went down to the beach on Lake Huron. It was more rocky than sandy so it kind of hurt to walk on and you couldn't venture too far out due to drop offs and swift currents but we still had a good time. I enjoyed just sitting on the beach with Penny, scooping up rocks. 

Each of the kids took turns walking out with Tyler. 

The boys also had a blast sitting in the water and bracing themselves for the little waves that come from boats. 

There were some sketchy people around us but one of them was nice enough to offer to take our family picture. Only I should have been smart and had the ocean behind us in the picture instead:

And on the way home, after a week of fighting naps, Lucy finally lost the fight

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