Saturday, October 3, 2015

Long's Farm

Here are some pictures from our trip to a park in Kensington last week, my kids are cute:

For family night Monday, we took a trip to Long's Farm for some doughnuts and cider. We had to measure ourselves first though:

And then we had to sit in their ridiculously over sized chair:

The doughnuts were delicious but the bees thought so too so we didn't sit very long. 

It also got breezy and Lucy loved watching it blow her dress:

The rest of the week went as follows: I walked the boys to school twice (and there were no meltdowns! Lucy even adopted our neighbor's mother as a stand-in grandma during one of the walks), we got a pretty princess dress cookie at the bakery, we had a park play date (and we got a little rained on), the girls & I had a lunch date with Tyler at the Burger Joint, we hung out at a friend's house, I took each of the boys on an errand so we could have some much needed one on one time (I found I kind of love grocery shopping with Steven, he's super fun to talk to and super helpful), I took Tina out to a belated birthday dinner at The Cheesecake Factory (I learned not to jest with her because she takes the things I say literally), and we went to Wesley's birthday party (where he cried when his fun cake had to be cut). Also, on Monday Ben came home from school smelling like poop and then Lucy peed in the van (her only accident this week) and moments later Penny pooped her diaper. That was a fun afternoon that I shall remember forever.

And I finished Steven's PJ pants so now the brothers are matchy matchy:

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