Saturday, September 19, 2015

Potty Training Lucy

This week I began the blissful journey of potty training Lucy. I kept to my usual practice, having her ditch the diapers and wear underwear from the get go. Only Monday did not get off to a good start. I was planning on driving the kids to school because with Lucy in underwear I wanted to be home quickly to avoid a mess. But my van didn't start because my lovely children had left the inside lights on so I ended up having to literally run the kids to school. We made it in some seriously record timing to school and then we were almost all the way home before Lucy peed all over herself. So close. The rest of the day was just full of accidents and no successes and since I was pumping her full of fuel her messes were ginormous. Boo.

Tuesday had an equally crummy start, not because of Lucy though. I had the stupid idea that we should walk to school Tuesday morning and this time on purpose. The weather was beautiful and after a day of cleaning up accidents, what was one more? Except we had just been walking for less than 5 minutes when Ben major biffed it- both knees bleeding and a bloody lip. It was super. He was screaming and crying as though he was paralyzed so I scooped him up and ran home. Steven followed behind pushing Penny and Lucy somehow managed to keep up with us all. Once home, I quickly patched up Ben's knees, stopped his lip from bleeding and got him and Steven to parent drop off before the bell rang. The only problem was that he was still acting paralyzed and he did not want to get out of the car. I felt like the worst mom in the world as I let a sweet teacher take my crying Benny out of the car and help him to his line.

After that fun I decided to focus all my energies on keeping Lucy accident free. I was not successful, we still had quite a lot of accidents but this time she also managed to get a few tinkles in the toilet and even a poop. We spent an excessive amount of time in the bathroom that day and Lucy decided to have some fun with sanitary pads:

That night I used ice cream as an incentive to get her to pee one last time before bed. It was a success:

After being at home all day Tuesday I was itching to get out for just a bit so I promised Lucy a trip to the bakery if she went pee in the potty. She sure does love her junk food so she obliged and off we went. Here she is enjoying her "sprinkler" doughnut:

Penny was pretty excited to get out of the house too:

After the doughnut shop Lucy decided to wet herself right as we got home- once again so close! But the rest of the day went pretty well- she only had 1 more accident. Then on Thursday we were completely accident free. I was one proud mama!

Friday was less amazing. I had visiting teachers over so I couldn't watch her as well and she had an accident. On top of that, her and my visiting teacher's little girl decided to flood the bathroom by playing in the sink- the sink does not drain well anymore and easily overflows. After my visiting teachers left I was cleaning up the flooded mess when Lucy decided to color all over the wall in the boy's room. It was a rough morning. However, she did great the rest of the day and only had one more accident. The accident happened while we were at a super fun Rice Krispy Treat Party thrown by the Ormond's. I love that the Ormond's throw so many parties, it gives us a chance to mingle with others and get out of the house.

So in summary, we had a pretty rough start to potty training but things got better. She never really needed an incentive to sit on the potty, she was usually pretty complacent but sometimes she did need a big incentive to actually get the pee out- you can't have this ice cream until you actually put some pee in the potty kind of thing. And unlike the boys, she does not scream and cry about pooping the potty. Often she'll sit on the potty just to fart and she likes to see her "rocks" in the potty. She has only had one poop accident this week, and that was today. 

Anyways that's enough talk about poop, pee, potties and accidents. On a totally different note, I finished sewing my first ever pair of PJ pants. I had bought a pattern but the English directions somehow got left out of mine and since I was too lazy to go back to Joanne's, I decided to just figure it out myself. I at least had the pattern for cutting it out and after lots of mistakes and with some help of the internet here they are in all their glory. I am so proud of myself for preserving and getting them done: 


I promise that that is a Lego hand and not a string at the bottom of the left pant leg.

Ben modeling his new pants:

Steven felt neglected so I took a picture of him in his non homemade PJs:

1 comment:

  1. That is a really rough start to potty training, but hopefully Lucy is consistent with her good days. That picture of hilarious. I hate when VT makes everything fall apart. And awesome pjs!!!
