Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Arizona Trip Week 1

We are back from our month long trip to Arizona! We had loads of fun and it was so good to be with family but it is so nice to be in our own space again and back into our routines! Now I've just got tons of blogging to catch up on so let's start with the beginning...

Our awesome neighbor took us to the airport June 27th and it was quite the sight I'm sure as we got out of the van and rounded up our 4 children and our 5 suitcases and shuffled them all into line to check in. Somehow we got checked in and got through security- which stresses me out since I bring all sorts of things that have to be tested, like baby food and hot  water for bottles. 

The plane ride itself was pretty bearable. Neither girl napped but they weren't super irritable so we survived. And my awesome parents and my brother and Oliver greeted us right outside of security so it was nice to have all their help with baggage and things. Here are my kids, happy to be out of a plane and strapped into a car seat instead ;):

I was STARVING so my sweet mom got me a Western Bacon Cheeseburger from Carl's Jr. We don't have a Carl's Jr near Milford and I just love that burger so it made me super happy- can't you tell?

After enjoying my burger we attempted to adjust to the 3 hour time difference. The kids went down to bed at 11pm Michigan time,8pm in Arizona. Needless to say both kids and parents were exhausted and we slept like champs that night.

Sunday the kids were in need of a bath so we did it Arizona style:

And Sunday evening we went to the Hatch home for dinner to celebrate Tyler's brother-in-law's, Travis & Scott's, birthday. The kids were so happy to be reunited with their bazillion cousins and Lucy took an immediate liking to her Aunt Mariah, they are total BFF's:

On Monday my spoiled boys were taken to Legoland by their Grandma and Grandpa Brady. They seemed to have a blast their first day at the park (Tuesday). The second day, Wednesday, they went to the water park at Legoland and apparently Ben became deathly afraid of the water and ended up just napping on one of the lounge chairs instead. So lame! But what was not lame- their hotel room! It had an awesome pirate theme and a treasure chest that magically refilled with LEGO "treasure" each day, seriously spoiled kids:

With the boys away, Tyler and I had a pretty relaxing few days with just the girls. We did some shopping (Bass Pro Shop where the big fish terrified Lucy and some other sport shops where we dreamed of buying a kayak) , hung out with friends (The Dees who we hadn't see since we had Steven, and The Williams who are always a hoot), we hung out at my brother's house where Lucy and Oliver got to remember what good friends they are:

The girls took some more Arizona baths:

They also played at a Splash Pad that was near the Bass Pro Shop. Lucy took awhile to warm up to getting in the water without any big brothers to play with her:

Lucy got some cute new boots for the camp outs we would be going on. Best purchase ever!

We went to my favoritest place, Costa Vida, with Tyler's sister, Keshia, and her little family:

I swear Reese was having fun with crazy Lucy, I think she was just scared of the person taking her picture- me! She is quite timid with people she doesn't know well

And this summarizes our trip for June 27- July 2. Next up- our weekend trip to Greer!

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