Friday, July 31, 2015

2nd Week in Arizona

We started off our second week in Arizona swimming at Gabby's house. Gabby was one of my students that I used to tutor and as soon as she sees on Facebook that I'm coming to Arizona she makes sure I put her on my schedule for a visit. It was nice getting together with her and her family. I had a nice conversation with her mom, Gabby seemed to enjoy seeing my kids again,their pool was way fun and Tyler had a blast bonding with her younger brother ;) !

That afternoon we went out to dinner at Red Robin's with my family to celebrate my dad's birthday. Steven and Mikey Dude enjoyed being twinsies:

Oliver is always thoughtful and brings a toy to share with my kids:

Silly old men

This girl loves to take pictures:

Toys are apparently more delicious than corn dogs:

Loved being reuinted with my sweet sister-in-law:

After Red Robin's we had some birthday cake at Grandma's house. It's my favoritest cake ever (my Grandma's special recipe) and I may or may not have eaten several large pieces of it that night:

I think these 2 were less impressed with the cake?

After stuffing out faces Tyler and I went and watched "Jurassic World" with my brother and dad. Such an entertaining movie- not be analyzed mind you due to the large amount of plot holes- but I still enjoyed it thoroughly!

Tuesday was Tyler's fabulous 32nd Birthday. We celebrated with a quiet lunch date to Chili's. We think we're rather funny...

And then after dinner we had a big hurrah at Iceberg with all of Tyler's family (minus Tara's family because they were out of town) and my parents. Since Tyler is not a huge fan of cake we just stuck a candle in his ice cream. Yeah, we're cool like that:

He got a super exciting survivial knife from his parents:

Let's just say that maybe we should have had the celebration somewhere a little less public. Hatch Family in public= pure craziness. There was shouting, dancing, kids being bounced around on shoulders and all manner of loudness and chaos:

But at least Penny minded her manners:

The next morning was spent with Tyler busily packing things to take the boys camping and me running out with Ben to try to find him some jeans to wear camping. Who knew that finding jeans that were long and skinny could be so challenging? Oh wait, I do. I SO do! After they were finally packed and had the proper attire, Tyler headed up North with the boys to do some camping with his family and I stayed behind with the girls.

Thursday my mom, Rebecca and I went out to breakfast at Village Inn while my dad watched my kids. It was nice to have such a peaceful morning with my favorite people and the strawberry crepes there were amazing! After eating we went to JcPenney's where I had Rebecca pick out some clothes for me to buy for her baby-to-be, Lillian. I ended up getting her a super cute 4th of July dress and a fun little outfit that would be perfect for Valentine's Day. Hopefully they end up fitting her at the appropriate times!

Thursday afternoon I paid a visit to Mary Williams. It was nice getting to chat just us ladies. The girls, however, didn't hit it off too well. Her daugher was not too keen on sharing her dress up clothes with Lucy and that broke Lucy's poor "pretty princess" heart :(

And Friday Tyler came back to pick me up so that I could join for the official Hatch Family Reunion Camp Out. Pictures coming in next post...

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