Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Weekend Trip to Greer

Friday we headed to Greer, AZ to stay at a cabin with all of Tyler's siblings and their families. It was a lot of driving for the boys who had just spent all Thursday driving home from Legoland California but we somehow managed. We did make a stop at Arby's where Lucy got these very darling bull horns in her kid's meal: 

Shortly after arriving at the cabin we all headed into town for some milk shakes at a local place. The place was small and there are a bazillion of us so we waited outside for the shakes and, of course, we had to take some pictures while we waited:

The rest of the day went normally with lots of socializing and kids playing in mud and dirt and it ended with Tyler's brother, Logan, leading an exercise routine for the family. Not going to lie, there was some Yoga poses happening that were pretty humorous...

Saturday was the 4th of July so we started off our morning watching a parade in Greer. This parade included lots of candy throwing and water balloon throwing too. There was a group on the other side of the street of us that was loaded down with water balloons and there were certain floats where the people were more than prepared to take them on. It was quite fun to watch but also quite dangerous if you got near the crossfire. 

After the parade there was lots of raining going on which spoiled our plans of doing anything fun. We attempted to go play at a nearby river but with the relentless rain we didn't last long. Thankfully the rain let up that evening and we were all able to go watch an awesome firework show. Lucy loved the fireworks and kept saying "Pretty princess!" I didn't get a picture during the actual fireworks but I did take a group shot afterwards:

Saturday night was pretty terrible- Lucy did not sleep well. Lucy was not in our bedroom at first but she was in the room with all the other kids which was right by Tara & Travis's room. We were all the way upstairs which meant we were not woken up by Lucy at first. Poor Tara woke up and had to drag Lucy all the way upstairs to us. She was not happy about that and we were not happy about our fussy kid. And of course, Penny decided to fuss as well. Needless to say, it was a pretty long and miserable night.

The next morning was spent cleaning up the cabin. The cabin is owned by Travis's grandparents and they are very particular about how it is kept up (they even sent one of Travis's siblings to check up on us and make sure us Hatch's were not destroying it). Anyways we worked very hard at keeping the kids out and making everything shiny and pretty again and we ended our time there by snapping a fun picture of all the Hatch cousins. They sure do get along well together:

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