Saturday, June 20, 2015

Root Canals, Boredom & Fun Times

Last weekend my tooth that I had gotten a temporary crown on was super achy so I went in on Monday to get it checked out and...they decided I would be getting a root canal. It was just as I had feared! So on Tuesday I got to spend a couple hours hanging with the dentist. It was super fun. Especially when he hit my sinus cavity (or whatever that is called) and rinsed it out with whatever he was rinsing my tooth's root out with. And believe me that stuff did not belong in my sinuses. It was so painful and gross and since then my biggest pain has been my sinuses- not the tooth itself. I'm hoping that at least means that the root canal was successful. Fingers crossed!

The rest of the week was spent listening to various kids fighting and listening to Steven complain about how bored he is. I tried my best to entertain that stinker but he never failed to find at least one moment in the day where he was just SO bored! 

We took several walks to Milford Central Park this week (perfect weather here people, none of that nasty over a 100 degree stuff that AZ is suffering from). The kids loved how the slide made their hair go all crazy and Penny got to try out a swing for her first time. 

And of course we had to pick up some doughnuts at the bakery at least once this week:

Don't know why there are no pictures of Ben from these Milford adventures, must be a result of him being the middle child...

We also hit the Farmer's Market on Thursday and I had to buy strawberries. This picture does them absolutely NO justice. They are actually super red in color and the most amazing strawberries I have ever tasted!

Steven adores his baby sister Penny and is constantly trying to make her adore him too. He insisted that she wanted to read this LEGO book with him. It was a super sweet moment for approximately 2 minutes before she started trying to eat the book...

Twice this week, Lucy found my lipstick and put it all over her face. The first time was a silly mistake, I had it in the diaper bag. But the second time, I thought I had put it in a good high spot. Too bad she had pulled up a kitchen chair and had no problem accessing it again. Trouble:

This morning it was cloudy and 70 so I took my 3 oldest for a walk in Kensington. Some cranes were also taking a walk and they were not the least bit intimidated by us humans. They even got in on some of our pictures:

Seriously a beautiful day so I had to take more pictures:

Summers in Michigan are pretty fantastic. Now remind me WHY we're headed to Arizona next week for a month? I feel like you suffer through the Michigan winters for the reward of summer and now I'm missing out on my reward. Lame sauce! Weather aside though, I'm pretty excited to see all my AZ friends and family next week :) 

1 comment:

  1. Ugh. Sorry about the teeth issues. I'm super jealous of the strawberries. And yeah, it's totally a bummer that visiting AZ turned out to be a summer thing. Darn having school aged children :P
