Friday, July 31, 2015

Hatch Reunion

Friday July 10th we headed up North to do some camping with Tyler's family and extended family. When we arrived there we set up our tent and got situated (Tyler and the boys had been staying in his parent's toy hauler because he hadn't brought the right poles for the tent we were to use). Once we were set up the day was pretty uneventful...except for Tyler getting into a fight with his sister over the designer rain boots she was wearing. I thought they were a bit overpriced too but not worth fighting over, I mean they're just boots and she can buy whatever she wants. But I managed to get myself involved in their silly argument too. It was all way over the top and silly and I would prefer to never fight over someone's shoe choice again. Ever.

Saturday morning we were in charge of breakfast and let me tell you, the french toast, bacon and eggs we made were a hit! Ok so the french toast was a little over cooked and the bacon a little under cooked but people still ate it and pretended like they loved it ;). After breakfast the kid's had some fun games they got to play. First they did a sack race and then they did a 3 legged race. Here are some cute pics of the 3 legged race:

Steven was with his best buddy Bryson. Note the 2 girls in the pic to the Left of him? Steven and them kept flirting like crazy. I kept trying to explain to him that they are related to him and therefore flirting is not allowed but it was to no avail. I can't wait to use this information against him later.

Ben, on the other hand was less than thrilled about being tied up with his girl cousin Ella, can you tell?

After the 3 legged race we had a slight intermission while Tara went to go find her husband and other 2 kids so that they could join the festivities. Too bad finding her husband did not end well. A Forest Ranger & Sheriff happened to see Travis riding on a quad with 3 kids that were not wearing helmets. When Travis first saw the Sheriff and the Forest Ranger, he had hoped they hadn't seen him and had turned around and headed back to get helmets. But they saw him and took that as running away from the law. So not only did he get in trouble for "endangering children" he also got in trouble for "fleeing." In the end he got felon status and a court date. Not a good day for Travis. But on the bright side, that distracted Tara from the "rain boot fight" and I got these fun pictures while we were awaiting the Sheriff's decision (because yes, taking him to jail was a possibility):

Once the drama was through the kid's finished their fun with a relay that involved filling a bucket with a sponge...

And then they did an obstacle course which basically was just a walk through the woods holding onto a rope :)

After each game the kids all got a prize. Of course when all the games were done, the kids had to compare and then play with prizes:

When the kids finished with their fun, the adults got to play a rousing game of water balloon volleyball. I chose not to participate because his family is way too competitive for my lack of skill so instead I held his brother's baby Bradley, while Tyler played with Mariah:

Us spectators:

Tyler's team won the game- whoot whoot! Usually after the game ends a major water balloon fight goes down between all, but they decided to have the kids play a round of water balloon volleyball instead. Except when it came time to start the game, Uncle Doug basically told the kids to go crazy and they easily complied and soon the kids were sopping wet: 

And since Ben decided to fall and catch himself on dirt, he got muddy too:

After the games Lucy decided to throw a royal fit because she wanted to ride on a quad but wasn't able to (remember all the quad drama with Travis?). She would NOT calm down until I asked her if I could take pictures of her. It was the perfect distraction and she had fun making all sorts of different faces for me:

And after her photo shoot she decided to get cozy and take a nap with her BFF Aunt Mariah: 

Gram Hatch got a little snuggle time with Penny. Penny still has stranger danger issues and only lasted for 5 minutes before she started hyperventilating.

Despite Penny's stranger danger issues, we still managed to escape for a bit to go on a quad ride of our own:

Night time was party time! Some families did some lip syncs- Tyler's favorite was "Chicken Head" a hilarious song that Tara and Travis lip synced too. After all the practiced lip syncs were finished, the kids got a chance to come on up and just dance. My kids had a blast- it was so fun watching them get their groove on:

After a brutal night in which Penny worked hard at not sleeping, it was time to wake up and pack up. Penny was not up to helping with the cleaning up since she had had such a rough night but she was definitely up the chilling:

Besides cleaning and packing, we took some time for some photo op'sL

And after all the cleaning and packing and picture taking, we had our traditional Hatch Sunday service and then it was time to head back to Chandler. Unfortunately the trip back was not pleasant. It involved way too many stops on the side of the highway for certain boys to go pee and lots of screaming by a certain crazy girl of mine. We were very grateful when we finally made it to my parent's house!

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