Saturday, April 11, 2015

Spring Break

This week Steven had Spring Break so I tried to get us out more than I usually do. Monday we had a play date at a park with some kids from the Ward. I was thinking it was a super warm day because it was supposed to be in the 50's and that just sounded warm to me for some reason but when we got to the park- it was cold! The sun was hiding and there was a bit of a wind and my kids were cold. They only had on light jackets because I told them not to wear their heavy ones. Epic mom fail! Thankfully, other moms are WAY more prepared than me and they had extra jackets in their car which they lent to my cold kids. I wish I had gotten a picture because Penny looked really styling in a huge blue fleece jacket and blue beanie :) After the kids were properly dressed they had a good time and I enjoyed getting to know some new moms who have moved into the Ward.

That night we FINALLY started raking up the leaves in our backyard (that's right, the ones that had fallen in October were just now getting raked up). We filled about 4 bags FULL and still have more to go BUT it was progress. So we celebrated our progress by making S'MORES over Tyler's new fire pit (his Easter gift). 

Tuesday I decided to be brave take the kids to the Henry Ford Museum which is about an hour drive away. It was probably not the greatest idea because Lucy was acting SUPER crazy that day...

She kept melting down over the silliest things and downright making my life miserable. There was a fun moment when I took her inside one of the trains and she refused to get out. Then I had to carry her (and Penny) out of the train with Lucy shrieking the whole way. Super fun. BUT even though Lucy made me crazy, everyone else seemed to have a good time:

And from this trip, I decided I had enough of my fickle camera. It did this to some of my pictures again:

So I have sent it back to Amazon for a refund. Now I am back to lame-o smart phone pictures until I can decide if I want to try again with that camera or get a totally different one.

On Wednesday we were super lame and our trip of the day was grocery shopping at Walmart- wahoo. On Thursday I invited Steven's friend from a couple houses down over. They seemed to have fun. Apparently his friend is addicted to Minecraft as well and that was all they wanted to do. Ugh. I miss the days when play dates at our house were actually about playing. Now Steven and his friends seem to be all about the electronics.

On Friday we met my friend Bethany and her 3 kids at Tiny Treasures (indoor play place) where I kind of embarrassed myself. Usually I just pay for the 3 kids and all is well but there was a new lady who said I needed to pay for Penny and I was like, well I have never had to pay for her before because here I am thinking they are going to charge me $5 for a baby who just sits and does not play. Well, she "relents" and just charges me for the 3. And then as I am getting us all ready to go inside, she rings up someone else and I discover the baby fee is A DOLLAR. I can not believe I bargained over a dollar. If I had realized it was only a dollar, I would have just paid it. Ugh. BUT besides my silliness and besides the fact that Ben fell off one of the play things and howled like he was DYING- it was fun :)

Friday night we rented "Big Hero 6" which I really liked. Fun movie for kids and adults alike. The kids all hogged out on their chocolate bunnies from Easter while watching it. Lucy, by far, was the messiest. I didn't manage to get a picture of her chocolate coated teeth, but I did get these gems:

And today, to finish off Spring Break, we took the kids to Kensington Park where we had a little picnic and then threw some rocks into the water.

Life is pretty great!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! I got the email! Thanks for doing that for me :)

    It must be an age thing - Oliver is getting harder and harder to take places when he's in a "mood." Or maybe it's just getting harder and harder for me to carry him out with my big belly :P
