Saturday, April 18, 2015

Spring Has Sprung

This Sunday I was able to finally get a picture of the kids in their new Easter clothes (only like a week late):

Lucy may or may not be picking her nose, but when you got 4 kids it's hard to get *the perfect* picture. 

The weather this week has been AH-mazing- 60's and 70's! I love it and am feeling much happier about Michigan these days. Steven, however, complained when we hit 74 degrees saying that he didn't like feeling so hot and sweaty- boy is that kid in trouble when we visit Arizona this July!

Green is starting to peek through the dirt and we even managed to grow a plant that Lucy got in Nursery (usually we just kill those sort of things):

When I informed Steven (who has been watering Lucy's plant diligently) that one of Lucy's friends has not been successful at growing theirs, he informed us that that is because God can only grow one plant at a time. Interesting theory...

With the kids outside more, we came to the realization that their scooters were in sad condition- one was rusted and crooked, the other was missing a wheel- so we got some shiny new ones for them:

Even Lucy got one:

This week we went to a birthday party for the little girl across the street. Her mom is super crafty and is starting an Etsy shop. She told me I could have this super cute beanie and handkerchief bib as long if I took a picture of Penny in it for her shop. I had no problem complying to that. Penny is ridiculously photogenic and I have decided I need more of these stylish bibs (maybe that was her plot all along?):

This week I decided to get in touch with my crafty side, it happens sometimes.Lucy helped me paint the stripes on this one and for some reason she felt it was more important to paint the masking tape than the canvas so it turned out less than perfect but I had fun doing some creative handwriting:

I also printed off a coloring page for grown ups and spent some nights working on that. Coloring is very relaxing, even though I apparently have issues with staying in the lines ;):

Other happenings... 

I taught my first sharing time on Sunday and found it only slightly traumatizing. The music player I was going to use didn't work so I had to forfeit it and do something else. Then at the end of my lesson in Junior Primary, the Nursery leader came in and started talking to a teacher loudly about their child while I was trying to bear my testimony and it threw me off. I ended up bearing my testimony that "I was glad the Earth was on the church." But after the rough patches in Junior Primary, I was much more prepared for Senior Primary and that one want smashingly well.  

I completely stopped nursing Penelope this week (I was pumping once a day and nursing once or twice a day up to this week). And though I thought I was going to feel sad about it, I really just feel relief. I don't know how moms with more than 4 kids nurse, it's just plain hard the more kids you get...

I caught the Spring Cleaning bug and started rooting through a few junk piles in our house. The end result...even more junk in our basement and a realization of how many MORE piles of junk I still need to sort through. Once again, I don't know how moms with more than 4 kids do it- the amount of stuff we have for 4 kids is overwhelming!

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