Saturday, March 7, 2015


The days are much quieter without Grams here. We sure are missing her! On Monday the weather turned warm (and by warm I mean in the 20's with no windchill) so we walked to the bakery where I got an orange muffin that I am totally addicted to and Benny and Lucy shared a snowman cookie. On Tuesday the weather returned to cold and awful and we got more snow. I decided to brave driving in the snow and took the kids to the library. Not the best decision I've ever made. Even though the library is just down the street, I swear it took a million years and lots of life threatening situations to get there. Once we got there, we were then greeted by freezing rain which is akin to being pelted by little rocks. Super fun. Have I mentioned how over winter I am?

On Wednesday I attempted to feed Penelope big people food since she doesn't seem interested in the blended stuff:

She seemed to enjoy eating the banana that was inside the mesh thingy but really only for Wednesday. After Wednesday she seemed to act like she was SO over bananas. I've also tried apple slices and carrots which she gnaws on with her two bottom teeth but they get to slippery and she gets tired of picking them up. Teething biscuits seemed like a hit at first as well but then she decided to start gagging and choking on them so they are now off the table. So, what DOES she like to eat still? French fries and pizza crust- that's my girl!

On Thursday Ben decided to give me a break from coloring on the walls and instead colored some angry eyebrows on himself:

He also managed to stick gum all over one of his new pairs of pants this week. This boy is such trouble. I can't wait for him to start Kindergarten- only 6 more months!

Thursday night (and pretty much every night that Penelope takes a bath) Lucy jumped into the baby tub with her sister. I love the Penny just puts up with her in there. I hope these 2 will be besties:

And Friday night Steven went over to a friend's house. This friend is in his class and lives just 2 houses down. I'm embarrassed to say that after a year of living here, this was the first time we officially met this friend. But I am glad the whole "ice breaker" part is finally over and he now has yet another friend to play with in this neighborhood. That makes a grand total of 3 people on our street that are in his classroom- and those are just the ones we know of! We were so blessed to be led to this home where we are surrounded by lots of great friends!

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