Friday, March 20, 2015

Sweet Things

My kids fight. Oh boy can they fight! But sometimes they do things that are just so sweet that I feel like I deserve some sort of medal for being such an awesome mother to raise such wonderful kids. We had a couple of those moments this month.

First Moment: Last week Steven's school had a Book Fair. He asked me for some money to buy some books but I didn't have any cash so he decided to bring some of his own money instead. Then **USING HIS OWN MONEY** he bought Benny a Minecraft Book- just 'cause he's nice like that:

Second Moment: After a long Primary Meeting we came home and it was nap time for Lucy. Benny and Lucy headed upstairs before me and when I got up there, Benny told me that he was going to read to Lucy. Of course, he can't really read but it was still pretty cute. He even walked her over to the bed and then helped me sing her a song:

And while we are talking about sweet things. On Monday the weather was in the 60's. Of course the next day we had some seriously cold wind and were back in the 20's and 30's but that is just life here in Michigan. I was just happy for the blessedly warm Monday that we got and that the kids and I were able to go outside without winter coats, be weirdos and play in mud:

Tuesday was St.Patrick's Day. We started our day with our traditional Lucky Charms and green milk, then made some green Rice Krispie Treats in the afternoon and ended our day by making a rainbow with skittles:

And we'll end this post with a super unflattering picture of Penelope and her vampire fang that she is growing:

1 comment:

  1. That's ironic because the kids also had a book fair this month and guess what book Colin spent his own money on? For himself though...
