Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Benjamin's 5th Birthday

This guy with his squirrel cheeks and sweet smile turned 5 on Sunday! He is my emotional guy. He is quick to cry but he is also quick to smile. He is definitely the quickest to laugh in this family (especially at movies) and he loves to make others laugh. He thinks that he is SO "hilarious" (his word- not mine). One of his favorite things to do is play with his siblings, he says that Steven is his best friend. He is such a good brother and he is probably the best at sharing in this family. He loves drawing and sometimes gets upset when we have to run errands because he doesn't want to stop making his pictures. He is also a huge fan of Minecraft I love this kid and as excited as I am for him to start Kindergarten in the Fall, it also makes me sad because he has been my little buddy for SO long! 

Ben requested to see a movie for his birthday so we went and saw the movie "Home" Friday night. I took both Ben and Steven. I loved hearing Ben's little giggle throughout the movie. The boys favorite part was when the alien says, "My hands are in the air like I just do not care"- they are still laughing over that one. I have to say that I really enjoyed the movie too. It was a sweet movie about family, and friendship. Here's some horrible quality pictures I took while we were waiting for the movie to start: 

Saturday morning we were going to go on Easter Egg Hunt at a nearby park (another request of Benny's) but Tyler and I both woke up with headaches and it was super cold outside and were just not wanting to go. So instead we convinced the boys that going to an indoor play place would be way more fun. They were easily convinced (especially since Ben had just asked the day before if we could go there). The kids had lots of fun, they especially loved the costumes. 

We spent Saturday afternoon in the kitchen, Tyler decorating Ben's cake and me making treats for a Primary Teacher Training. By dinner time we had finished our kitchen chores and it was off to Chili's for Ben's birthday dinner. The food was yummy and the kids actually all behaved perfectly. The only negative thing was that they told us they no longer sing for birthdays which is lame since that is the fun part about going out to dinner for your birthday. But anyways, here's a cute picture of the birthday boy and his daddy:

After dinner, we came home and partook of Tyler's cake masterpiece. Once again he did an AWESOME job:

Ben had a hard time blowing out the candles- he was way too far away and didn't realize he needed to be closer to get them out. It took him about 4 tries before he finally blew them all out. After he got them all out it was present time. He got Minecraft "guys" from the Hatch Grandparents, a Minecraft Lego set from the Brady Grandparents and a small indoor trampoline from us (a way to get the energy out when it's FREEZING outside):

I'm glad that we were able to have lots of fun celebrating his birthday Friday and Saturday since his real birthday, Sunday, was pretty busy with church stuff and pretty lame for him. Happy Birthday Benny Boy!

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