Monday, March 30, 2015

March Happenings

I forgot to mention last week that this is happening:

We have definitely outgrown our little round table now that Penelope is "eating"(aka playing with food). So I am super ready for this table to be built so we can all have a little more space at the table. And maybe *gasp* we can even have people come over and eat with us!

This also happened last week:

Miss Lucy got stuck trying to get out of the boy's bunk bed. Me being the wonderful mom that I am, had to snap a picture before saving her.

In other news.... 

The kids got a box full of awesome things from Grams and Poppy Brady:

They especially loved the LEGO shaped soap and refuse to actually use it. They are not to keen on the idea of the soap "melting" in water. 

PS: While we're looking at Lucy's cute face, one of my favorite things she says as of late is, "WHY YOU DOING THAT!?" The other day I asked her if she wanted me to kiss her owie and she said, "No kiss!" So of course I did anyways. Then she shouted at me "WHY YOU DOING THAT!?"

And still on the subject of Lucy, Benny was trying on Steven's old dress shirts and, of course, she had to try one on too(the Jamaican hat is just an added bonus): 

The next day Ben decided to pull a Lucy and when she wore one of her dress up skirts, he had to wear one too. I was going to take a picture but he got self conscious and pulled it off before I could snap it. So then, of course, Lucy took off hers too. But somehow, in the end, I still got this super sweet picture: 

And while you're looking at Ben's sweet face, his favorite new word (as of this week) is "hilarious." It's quite "hilarious" when he tells you that you are "hilarious." And I am pretty excited that he finally has a favorite new word that is not a potty word. Hip, hip hooray! 

And lastly, this girl:

She is my little cuddle bug who still refuses to sleep through the night. It really is my own fault. I think all my will power was used up on the other children and I can no longer stand to hear a child cry at night. So no cry it out method has been used yet, not really. Unless letting her cry for 15 minutes every once in awhile counts? But...regardless, I am tired. Oh I am always soooo tired. And I have lost all willpower to be productive in the afternoons because that's when the tired really hits. BUT she is 98% likely my last baby and I know that someday she will sleep through the night. So for now, I just try to think about that and I will just try to enjoy the late night snuggles because someday they will end. And that, my friends, is a really bittersweet fact.

PS: Some more rambling thoughts here, but as of late, I'm really starting to feel homey here in Michigan. Why you ask? Well me and my neighbor have decided we'll go walking every Monday night after the kids are in bed and that is really nice. Tyler and I had a fun game night with some couples in the ward and good times were had (we played a game that is like telephone with drawings, "termites" turned into "fart of death" turned into "murderer"). I love our babysitter, she's all teenagery but in a cool way (did I tell you about the time she gave me money back because she said that I was paying her too much). I am currently making a new friend in the Ward who is totally weird like me. And... I don't know. The trees, the squirrels, the yummy bakery shop, all of Steven's friends who live in our neighborhood...All these things seem good because they are good. And maybe, just maybe we could buy a house here. Maybe...As long as I can forget about Winter, and the mice, and being far away from family and well, Winter...

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