Saturday, February 14, 2015

Will you be my Valentine?

Well I am relieved to say that this week was a lot less challenging than last week, mostly because Penelope decided to be better behaved. We did discover the reason for all her crankiness and sleepless nights last week though- teeth! She's got two little bottom teeth breaking through. They're quite cute, if only they weren't such a pain for all parties involved!

This week consisted of running errands (way too many trips to Walmart), haircuts(I got bangs!), Steven's actual birthday (he got a to go on a dinner date to Subway with Grandma), making primary teacher gifts ("Happy Burst Day!"), visiting teaching (Lucy threw a royal tantrum because the lady I visit taught wanted her to have her snack at the table and she DID NOT want too), and Valentine's Day festivities (I got to go into Steven's class for their Valentine's Day party and I was so impressed by how well behaved 46 first graders were!).

And here are our bazillion Valentine's Day Pictures.We did our traditional heart cookie making, decorating and eating for Valentine's Day:

We got lots of snow Valentine's Day Morning and then the rest of the day was freezing cold:

I gave each of the kids a little something for Valentine's Day because I love them so much:

Tyler got me this beautiful bouquet, along with yummy candy:

Since Tyler lost his wedding ring (for the third time) I got him 2 wedding rings. Now he has a back up ring in cases he loses one again:

For our Valentine's Day date we did a session at the Detroit Temple. The sun is pretty bright when reflecting off snow, hence major squinty eyes:

And random silliness and cuteness:

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