Sunday, February 22, 2015

Bone Chillin' Cold

And the adjective for this last week *drum roll please* was:


Poor Grams has had to deal with all sorts of record setting cold temperatures this week. We're talking negative to the -teenth degree temperatures with plenty of windchill, should probably at least have a shirt on kind of cold (Oh Lucy!): 

We're talking you best wear a hat that Grams made you when you go outside or you might lose your ears kind of cold:

 We're talking sit by the heater vent and still feel cold kind of cold:

 We're talking no school because we don't want little ones to die of frost bite so you best take some silly selfies instead kind of cold: 

 We're talking your last front tooth falls out because your gums froze over kind of cold:

(OK, slight exaggeration, his tooth did not fall out because of the cold...or did it...?)

We're talking there's not much else to do beside stay inside and play obnoxious tunes on your keyboard kind of cold:

(Have I mentioned that I'm beginning to regret my decision to buy this for Steven for his birthday)

We're talking...OK, that's enough of that but suffice to say it was cold this week and that meant we stayed inside a lot and cabin fever was definitely felt at moments but somehow we kept our cool through it all :)

Can you see her cute pie teethers?

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