Friday, November 7, 2014

November Days

Steven's front tooth had been on the verge of falling out for WEEKS. Last Thursday he told Tyler that he could pull it out that Saturday. Saturday came and Steven claimed he didn't say Saturday, he said Sunday. Sunday came and Steven avoided the subject at all costs and so the tooth remained. Then Wednesday morning he was pushing at it with his tongue and *pop* out it came. Everybody breathed a sigh of relief and Steven became a dollar richer. 

Here he is sporting the gap in all it's glory and decked out in his awesome Tiger Cub Scout Gear:

Penny started out the week awful- lots of crying spells for no apparent reason. But she has ended the week with lots of smiles. I really wish she would make up her mind to be a good girl. She is so much cuter when she's happy. Plus I feel a lot less psycho when she's happy. 

She does seem to be growing though- newborn diapers are actually getting tight and she is starting to not be drowned by her 3 month clothes. That's progress my friends!

Lucy went had her 2 year check up this week and it was funny to see how different she is from Penny. She is in the 90th percentiles for her weight and height. She also had to get her finger pricked and she was so tough. She didn't cry at all and just sat there and watched as they dripped it into the vial, she even laughed during it- maybe she'll be a nurse like her Aunt Keshia...

She is also loving all the dress up things she got for her birthday (she got a package with more from her Aunt Tara this week). I love to see her girly side and I get a little camera happy when she dresses up:

Ben is still making me crazy. He has decided that every sentence he speaks must include a potty word and this has landed him in his room a lot. Plus he really enjoys screeching like a crazy kid at the top of his lungs...I think his face below shows it all:

And me, I am counting down to our trip to AZ. Just 13 more days! This means I have to start getting things together for our trip. We've got 6 people to transport there for pete's sake! 

Tyler was off Tuesday for election day and that meant I got to go do some shopping kid free. It was the best 3 hours of my life and I found lots of fun things for the airplane ride! It's amazing how much more I need that alone time now that I have 4 kids.

And let's end with some more fun pictures. Lucy is shirtless because when Steven changed into his Scout Uniform, she felt the need to change too. Only she had nothing to change into...

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