Sunday, November 2, 2014

Lucy's Happy Day!

My crazy fun, independent, smart little girl turned 2 years old Saturday! We started off her day by letting her open presents:

She got some "pwetty!" dress up shoes from us which I sort of regret buying. She loves them but she isn't the steadiest in heels and she always needs help putting them on:

From her Grandma & Grandpa Hatch she got a necklace, a coloring book and some "lowery's" (this is what she calls crayons, butterflies and flowers- I think they all get the same name because they're all colorful?):

From her Grandma & Grandpa Brady she got some "pwetty" dress up skirts:

And she also got some fun dress up accessories from us, like this Fedora and wand:

I think it's safe to say that all her gifts were a hit!

The rest of her birthday was pretty uneventful until after dinner. After dinner, we had our neighbors over for some cake and ice cream. Tyler, of course, did a wonderful job on Lucy's "Lowery" cake:

We told her to hold up two fingers but apparently she wants to remain one forever:

When it came time to blow out the candles, a certain someone decided to do it for her. This certain someone also stole a bite of her cake later on when she wasn't looking, pretty sweet guy huh?:

But even though the candles were already out she still pretended to blow them out so I could get a picture:

She got two adorable princess dolls from the girls across the street. Here she is with one of them:

And here are her 3 out of her 5 neighbor friends:

After chowing down on cake and ice cream, the kids had fun playing together and the adults had fun chatting. I feel so grateful to have such great neighbors!

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