Friday, July 4, 2014

Smokey Mountains & Hollywood Cars

On Monday we decided to take a hike in the Smokey Mountains. After living in flat Michigan for the last 6 months where hikes consist of mucho flatness, I was tuckered out by this hike. It was literally up hill the entire trail (at least the trail was only 1.3 miles). Thankfully that meant the entire way back was downhill, so much easier. Oh my goodness, the Smokey Mountains are beautiful:

Poor Tyler had to push a double stroller the whole way up and back. Brice was supposed to ride it in with Lucy but he is much too attached to his mama and ended up riding on her back in a carrier- poor lady is just as pregnant as me (she is due on the date my c-section is scheduled)! 

Leia and Steven looking super happy by a little cave ;):

And here is what awaited for us at the top of the hill:

The boys had fun splashing around in the water. Lucy was not a fan of getting her feet wet though. When it was time to go, it was an ordeal to get everybody's wet feet back into their shoes but we got it done. However, Leiah had been having a blast chasing butterflies and there was some major tantrum throwing on her part before we were able to head back down. It can be so hard to leave fun things!

On Tuesday we had a family day and went into downtown Gatlinburg. That place is completely full of tourist shops and tourist attractions that can empty your wallet. We chose the Hollywood Car Museum to empty our wallet at. It was a hit with the boys. Lots of fun cars from movies. Here we are in the Flinstone's car:

This picture was just too cute to not include, note the pigtails. She totally just let Pattie style her hair the whole time we were there and then she didn't even try to rip them out. I'm really hoping that now she'll let me do her hair too!

Some more fun vehicles, I'm sure you can figure out the movies:):

After the museum we got some lunch, did some shopping (visited this one store that was full of delicious dips that you could try) and called it a day.  

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