After our fun trip in Tennessee, it was hard getting back into the swing of things this week. I missed having Tyler around all day to help me with the kids. It is harder for me to get up the umph to take the kids out to do things when I am by myself these days BUT if I don't, these long summer days really seem to drag. So onto these summer days...
Tuesday I went to the Doctors and was given a scare. He told me my stomach was measuring smaller than the last time I was there. It was possible I was leaking fluids so I was told to get an ultrasound ASAP. Of course the soonest appointment they had was the next day so I had to spend a night worrying about my little Penny.
Thankfully, the next day everything checked out. Her heartbeat, blood flow, fluid and growth were all on target and though her face looks mushed like clay it was still so cute to watch her smile in my tummy:
Thankfully, the next day everything checked out. Her heartbeat, blood flow, fluid and growth were all on target and though her face looks mushed like clay it was still so cute to watch her smile in my tummy:
Recently I was on the hunt for a newborn photographer for Penny and after much internet searching and pricing out, I found someone who was not only decently priced but they also took great looking pictures. And to top it off they had a package deal that includes a maternity, hospital and newborn photo shoot for what a lot of places would charge just to do newborn pics. So that meant that on Wednesday I had my first ever maternity photo shoot. After some clothes hunting in Tennessee with Pattie, this is the outfit I ended up with for pictures, a $15 Walmart dress & $3 scarf:
It was fun getting pictures, but I will say I was shocked with how young the photographer seemed-- I'm thinking 20? She made me feel so old! But she did some cute shots and hopefully my kids behaved for long enough that some of the pictures will actually turn out. They were so uncooperative! It hurts more when they're naughty and you actually have to pay for the pictures. Makes me miss having Tara as our photographer! Our new photographer did post one preview picture online in which we are all blurred. Hopefully that isn't because she couldn't find any cute shots of us non blurry...
On Thursday, Tyler went to help out at Girl's Camp. I knew the day was going to seem even longer with him not coming home so we got ourselves out of the house a lot. In the morning we went to a park and in the afternoon we took a long walk. The kids love walking down to this fake little waterfall:

After a walk we grabbed some treats at the bakery and then headed back home. Thankfully the night went well despite Tyler being away. Lucy was obviously in a fun mood that night:

Summer here apparently has been mild, probably to make up for the awful winter we had. We have had hot humid days mixed with beautiful cool days. I'll take it for as long as we can!
ooh can't wait to see the pictures! you look super cute. that was a tease for her to post a blurry one. i'm loving all your blog updates!