Saturday, July 12, 2014

31...Is Not That Exciting

Tyler turned 31 on Monday and unfortunately it was a pretty lame-o day for him. I have just not had the energy to do much of anything lately (besides grow a baby of course) so I did not plan an exciting birthday bash for him. I suppose we don't really have anyone to invite anyways so that's make it ok right? 

I did, however, put forth a teensy bit of effort and arrange for a babysitter that night. For dinner, he chose the Cheesecake Factory. Thankfully since it was a Monday night, we had literally no wait (compare that to the 2 hour wait we had when we went last). And then since he had given me literally no direction on what to buy him, we went birthday present shopping at some sport stores where he picked out some camping gear. He is determined to do some Michigan camping sometime in the near future with the boys. We ended our date night with a stop at Dairy Queen where I got asked for the first time this pregnancy if this was going to be our first kid. Do we really look that young?

The next day we celebrated with the kids and some pie: 

Happy 31st Tyler!

1 comment:

  1. Early post! I never check blogs this early either, but it must have been fate ;) Sounds like a fun bday night to me! And yes, you look that young. Were they in shock when you said it was your 4th. Haha.
