Saturday, July 19, 2014

Long Summer Days

It is weird to me how time passes.One summer day can feel endless as I await the time Tyler comes home but then I go to the library and I'm shocked to realize the books we just checked out are due in August. August can't be that close! And I'm shocked to realize that Tyler's parents and 2 youngest sisters come NEXT week- NEXT WEEK! Time is a strange thing. Anyways, here are some tid bits about our week:

Lucy had some fun playing mommy. She stripped down all her dolls and then proceeded to wipe them with baby wipes. After she was done with that she even attempted to put diapers on them. It was pretty adorable:

The weather this week was exceptionally cool. Note the cardigan on Lucy above and the temp of 57 degrees in our van below (picture taken at 10am). And though some people are complaining that after such a long winter they just want to feel hot- I oddly do not agree with them at all. I just want to be outside comfortably and I am finding this weather quite comfortable. It is so nice to not be roasting at 8 months pregnant! 

Thursdays we went to the zoo with some church friends. Just like the last time we did this, it wasn't the most pleasant experience. Mostly we did a lot of waiting on people who were late to show up and that made Benny whiny, I think it gave him more time to think up "how hard" it is to be Benny. But we survived with no huge melt downs. 

Friday we met up with church friends again but this time it was more fun. We met up at Mercer Beach, a beach off of Walled Lake (about 20 minutes away).  They have clearly missed being in water and they spent the whole time trudging the shore and collecting seashells. I am a little confused how seashells exist on a lake beach but I am glad they kept my boys entertained. Lucy, on the other hand, did not love the feel of sand on her feet and spent a majority of her time on the pirate boat playground or sitting on my lap. 

And today the boys and I walked down to Central Park, where they did some playing and then walked around the river a bit. Steven spent most of the time endlessly grilling me about bees (can they sting your face? why do they like flowers? have you ever been stung by one? would it make you cry?...). That child is very good at asking questions.

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