Saturday, July 5, 2014

Parrot Mountain

Wednesday was by far one of our favorite days! We all went to Parrot Mountain and had the neatest experience ever with one of our favorite creatures- birds!!!

In the beginning I was a little wary of getting close to them. After all these ones that were all over the park had signs that warned that they might bite:

But then we got to the part of the park that was specifically for holding and feeding birds and I warmed up to them. The one I am holding below, we were told is a baby bird, and he was super friendly. He literally hopped right onto Tyler several times as you'll see in the pictures below: 

Lucy afraid of the birds at first:

But with some time she got more comfortable around them and even helped feed them:

Benny never got comfortable enough to feed or hold the birds at this part but with some time, Steven warmed up to them:

The next stop in the park was an exhibit full of Rainbow Lorikeet's. We were each given a cup of what I think was nectar and then we got to feed the birds. It was super fun! At first Steven didn't want them on him again but by the end he had them perching on his hands:

The last part of the park was the nursery. The nursery was full of baby birds that you were allowed to hold (at your own risk). You weren't, however, allowed to take pictures of them. So we didn't get any pictures which is unfortunate because Ben at last got brave and decided to hold some birds. And he also decided that he loved holding them and wanted to stay in the nursery FOREVER. It was so fun loving on all the baby birds!

And though Lucy never got brave enough to hold a bird, she had fun watching everyone else do it. So I think we can call that a fabulous day! 

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