Saturday, March 22, 2014


Last weekend we spent Sat afternoon at a small swap meet sort of place where I got an awesome "teething" necklace. Really Lucy has no desire to chew on it but that's fine. Truthfully, I just got it because I thought it was stinkin' cute! So here's a picture of me sporting the necklace and sporting my 18 week pregnant belly. Less than 2 weeks until the gender revealing ultrasound folks! 

Monday was St. Patrick's Day. I am not one of those amazing Pinterest moms who does a million awesome things for each holiday but I always try to do one or two (easy)fun things. So for breakfast my kids had some Lucky Charms with green milk. I will admit that the dyed green milk just looked awful but Steven claimed excitedly, "It tastes just like milk!" (Ben, of course, had his breakfast by the heater vent in the kitchen):

 I also gave Steven a green lunch- dyed mac n cheese, and broccoli. Oh yeah, super delicious!

This last month I have been (finally) working hard on teaching Benny his ABC's. It is so nice that I am at last at a point in my life where I can do this. BUT he is VERY difficult to teach and it can be quite frustrating. He doesn't catch on quickly and sometimes I feel like I am a terrible teacher BUT then we have moments where it clicks. And since preschool is not in the budget and the mom's in my ward failed at their recent attempt to do a co-op, it looks like I am his only hope ;)


On the other hand, Steven is doing splendidly in Kindergarten. We had a conference with Mrs. Hornyak Thurs and were told he is right on target, if not a little ahead. Yippee! Lately, his favorite thing to do is staple pages together to make books. They have a title, lots of pictures and the last page always states "the end". He's made an AFV (America's Funnies Videos) book and a Calvin & Hobbes book these past 2 days. They're quite entertaining to "read."

And yesterday I had a tender mercy occur. We were blessed to have a babysitter come watch our kids while we went to the Detroit Temple (for free nonetheless, thanks to a personal progress goal!). So I went to pick up some pizza for the kids and the babysitter but when I came home I realized my wallet was gone. I remembered putting it on top of the pizzas after I bought them and that was it. I was panicking! 

I threw my now poor, jacketless kids in the car and rushed back to the scene. I was praying out loud in the car as we drove there and in retrospect Steven's reactions to my prayers were pretty great, "Can He really hear you?" "Will He find it for you?" "Can He take it away from the bad guys?"...

When we got there I checked the parking lot to no avail. So then I checked the pizza place but still no luck. But from the beginning I had the feeling I should check Kroger's which was pretty close to the pizza place. So I did, and there it was, money, cards and all. Definitely a blessing! And we made it home just in time for the arrival of Tyler & the babysitter.

Then I got to go do my very first Endowment Session in a temple besides the Mesa Temple. It's true, I have never been inside another temple before (not counting temple open houses that is). It is beautiful but significantly smaller and you actually have to RSVP. They had a list and if you weren't on it, it was more than likely you weren't getting in. Anyways, it was nice to finally be in the temple again! Can't wait to go back!

And here are some cute pictures Steven took today:  


  1. So what do you mean the moms failed at doing co-op? Like someone didn't head it up and get it organized or it turned out to not be what they thought and all quit? I can't believe you have to RSVP to go in the temple!

  2. Lucy looks so cute in that dark blue butterfly onesie! Yay for temple night!!! Thats really cute that Steven makes books.
