Friday, March 14, 2014

Temperamental Weather, Packages, & a Haircut

This week we had a few days of downright beautiful weather (which I never would have considered beautiful when we were living in AZ). We were in the 40's and even hit the 50's one day. The snow was melting, our driveway was a complete flood- I loved it! 

I even took the kids out on our front porch to play (the only non flooded place we had). Even crazier, I took my jacket off and just wore my light sweater while I was out with them because I WAS HOT. Weird right!?

But wouldn't you know that just two days later this happened:

The temp dropped to the 20's, there was crazy wind (15-20mph)and it snowed for a full day. Steven had yet another snow day, I swear this kid never has school!

But I have an amazing family that keeps all of our spirits bright despite our temperamental weather. This week we got 2 packages in the mail. One from my mom with lots of fun things for the boys, including "Jake the Pirate" jammies for Ben & a very Jamaican hat for Steven:

And the other package was just for me from Mecca. I am so blessed to have such an amazing sister-in-law to put this package of AZ sunshine together for me and, of course, an amazing brother to mail it to me ;)

The last event this week was the cutting of Lucy's mullet. I had been opposed to cutting it because she already gets mistaken for a boy ALL the time and I felt without the hair she would just become a permanent boy. But the mullet was VERY bad...So went to Cool Cuts 4 Kids in the mall and got it trimmed:

She did such a good job, thanks to the brain rotting TV in front of her, and now the mullet has been tamed! The place even gave me a cute bow to clip in her hair which she actually didn't pull out! Time to invest in more of those! 

Afterwards we went and played at the kid area in the mall and she gave me this nice drunken pose:

Later, at home, I tried to get pictures that better showed the cut. It's still long but definitely an improvement:

And I shall end the post with this gem I took of Ben, the Pirate Reindeer Student:


  1. That's a very cute package you got in the mail! Someone loves your family! I keep seeing your parents around- your Mom at Cosco and your Dad at your old house or in his car, crazy

  2. I wish I could send you packages every week :) It was too fun. I hope the cactus didn't stab you when you unwrapped it ;) Pirate reindeer!!
