Saturday, March 8, 2014

A Week...

This week...

Tyler decided he wanted to fit in at work so he invested in an awesome Michigan University lanyard. Doesn't he look cool?

The toilet below decided to explode (for the umpteenth time!) but this time it would not be stopped by a plunger. I finally jimmy rigged it with a rubber band then used 8 towels to clean up the mess (and I had literally just cleaned that bathroom that morning!). Tyler comes home and 3 plunges later, it's all fixed. Stupid toilet. 

Benny became a super hero and Lucy decided to run around with a mesh hamper on her head. 

Thursday night Steven's loose tooth finally made an exit. He has been dreading the loss of this thing for months now. As I was brushing his teeth, it pretty much completely came out- it was hanging on by a thread. So Tyler grabbed some pliers and finished it off. It was a very traumatizing experience. Steven cried so hard, he gagged on the blood and threw up a bit. Ugh.

But the hole is pretty cute and the Tooth Fairy gave him a whopping $2 for it (he got a bonus $1 for it being his first tooth). And she even folded the dollars into cute hearts-- which were destroyed within moments of finding. So not worth the effort Mrs. Tooth Fairy...

And lastly, this week has been full of sickness. Steven caught a cold which has led to endless coughing... I ended up keeping him home from school for 2 days because it was just easier than having to tote his Nebulizer (for breathing treatments) to and from school. This school does not have a Nebulizer of its own, like his last one did, and it doesn't even have a Nurses office. Lame. 

Both Lucy & Ben also got a cold as well and have been coughing (though not nearly as bad as Steven). And on top of it, Ben got pink eye today. The worst part of all this sickness is the weather was *beautiful* Thursday and Friday- we're talking 40's with NO wind chill! And where was I? Stuck inside with my sick babies, who spent most of the day fighting over who gets to sit in my lap. Mostly Lucy just wants to sit there when she sees Benny there and then she screams and cries until she gets her way. I am so not looking forward to the jealousy that is going to arise when I have this baby in August...

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