Saturday, November 2, 2013

Lucy Turns the Big 1

I am so grateful to have a beautiful, healthy little girl who (miraculously) has made it to her first birthday. My sweet Lucy has been so unlike my boys and even though that can be challenging, I love it! She was probably the worst nurser, she probably did the worst at sleeping through the night, she hates when I'm tutoring and constantly bangs on my office door, she loves to stick little tiny objects in her mouth (but will usually relinquish them when asked) and she is a monkey like no other child before her, climbing up on tables, strollers and many unsafe objects. But I love to watch her toddle around and give her dollies a good hug and sweetly put them in her new doll stroller. I love to see her wave "hello" at EVERYONE (usually once they've turned around). I love how when I take her out for walks everyone swoons over her and proclaims that she is the happiest baby alive (little do they know). I love how she cuddles with me when she first wakes up. I love how she shyly hides her face on my shoulder when a stranger says hello. And I absolutely love dressing her up on Sundays (even if dresses driver her crazy). She is my sweet, beautiful daughter and this year with her has gone much too quickly!

For her first birthday we invited all our family over for an ice cream party. Here is the cupcake ice cream cone cake I made. Not the best but it served it's purpose:

Here she is in her second birthday outfit for the day, sporting her new necklace (which she ended up just eating and then soon after tried desperately to remove):

Unlike my two cry baby boys who both wailed when sung to, there was no crying from Lucy! She looked a little bored at first but gave us a smile in the end. The boys enjoyed blowing out her candle for her.

She had no interest in eating the cupcake, even after I gave her a bite, so sadly it ended up in the trash. Poor little cupcake.

She did not care for the opening of presents, it made her fussy and cranky but she gave THE BEST reactions to her presents once they were visible. Lots of smiles and squeals and she didn't even cry when we took them away (also unlike her brothers):

For her birthday she got baby piano, a doll stroller/walker, 2 dolls, a cute little monster doll that makes adorable squeaky noises, a Cinderella board book, 2 purses, some clothes and a pair of shoes.

All in all a perfect party for my favorite daughter ;)

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