Saturday, November 23, 2013


So we are officially moving to Michigan. This past week I have definitely had the answer to my prayers and I have felt that peace and affirmation that we should go to Michigan, I especially felt that when we were in the temple. But when you leave the peace of the temple, it's easy to forget all that. I still have lots of emotional moments... moments of sadness, anxiety, worry. I think it's only natural when you are moving so far from home to a place that is so unlike where you have lived for the past 28 years of your life and a place that you have never even seen. But I would like to share my moments of personal revelation. Moments that I am going to need to hold on tight to when doubt creeps in.

The first night Tyler got the offer, right after I said a prayer asking if we should go, I read a conference talk by Henry Eyring called To My Grandchildren. When I read the part where Eyring spoke about how his mother moved far away from her own widowed mother so his father could support his family, I felt an overwhelming sadness and I will admit that I bawled. I think even at that moment I knew we needed to go and I knew how very much I was going to miss my mom.

Then on Saturday night Tyler & I went to the temple with a hope to find comfort and peace in our decision to move to Michigan. As we prepared to go, I was worried it would be too crowded and I really wanted to have time afterwards to talk with Tyler but the Lord blessed us and we were literally able to walk right in to do sealings. Then while doing a sealing I felt a very distinct impression that this was all I needed, my spouse, my children. It doesn't matter where we are, as long as we are together. It was an amazingly peaceful moment.

Also, throughout this process I kept remembering a talk I heard, I couldn't remember where, that had spoken about how there wasn't one right location to live, the church could use you anywhere. I couldn't remember who or any of the exact details but wouldn't you know that my good friend quoted it in a comment she made on my last blog. She wrote how the speaker said people would call the Stake President asking for advice on the safest neighborhoods, best schools and strongest wards but "not once did anyone ask where their family would be needed the most." Going to a place that won't be so filled with members was definitely a worry for me but this talk helped me realize that I need to stop being so self-focused. Who knows who we can impact there. Their will certainly be a lot more missionary opportunities in Michigan than we have here. And honestly, though I am normally terrified of speaking to others in general, I weirdly feel very excited about this...

And I will end this lengthy post by just saying that though I may not sleep well at night and my stomach may be in a constant churn, I know that's just me being me and I know that our family belongs in Michigan for the next few years, we really do. And though it won't be easy and I will probably miss AZ like crazy the Lord has a purpose for us there. If nothing more then to just make us a closer, stronger family. And despite my crazy emotions, I am excited for this adventure, I really am!

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