Friday, November 15, 2013

Changes & God

On Tuesday GM in Milford called and offered Tyler a job. The offer came a lot sooner than expected and now we have a big decision to make. Logically it makes sense: it is his only job offer, they had given a salary bracket and chose the higher end, they are offering him a sign on bonus (that'd be useful for buying winter clothes), he'll have a good amount of paid time off (16 holidays & 3 weeks vacation), and most importantly its his dream job! BUT we'll be 33 hours away from our families in freezing cold weather. And the LDS population will certainly not be what it is here. And there are just a lot of scary unknowns (like how unearth are we going to all of 5 of us and our van and truck and all our stuff to a place 33 hours away!?) so right now we're doing a lot of praying and pondering. On Wednesday he is flying up to Michigan so hopefully we'll either be 100% in or out by then. 

On a completely different note: The other day Benny drew a picture and said, "This is God." We weren't really sure that he was really saying God at first so we asked a couple of times for verification. Once confirmed, Steven asked, "Why is he so big?" Ben replied, "Cause he just grows big." That boy is so profound ;)

1 comment:

  1. Remember that General Conference talk last year or so from the General Authority who said when he was a Stake President he'd get lots of calls from people moving into his stake boundaries. They'd ask for advice in finding the safest neighborhoods, the best schools and strongest wards. "Not once", he said with great emotion, "did anyone ask where their family would be needed the most." I think your family could do a world of good no matter where you live, even if it's just continuing being active in the church and accepting callings! It would be great for your kids to experience various cultures, languages, weather and people. Take it from someone who's been on "both sides"- I so so love the environment I grew up in as a child as it shaped and molded my testimony and personality into one who appreciates other's differences and made me rock solid as a follower of Christ. Wow, that's the longest post I've ever done on your blog!
