Sunday, November 10, 2013

Chaos Vs Calm

It is so funny to me how life works. Last week was so completely busy with getting things ready for the garage sale, fun Halloween activities and Lucy's party and then this week happened. Albeit this week did start off slightly chaotic with taking Lucy to the Dr's, watching Tara's kids and dealing with Steven's seasonal allergenic cough that kept him up at night and kept him out of school. BUT after going to the Doctor's Wednesday and being told to get some over the counter Zyrtec, he was almost immediately better and I ended the week feeling totally relaxed and even a bit lazy--- like shouldn't I be doing something? Am I really just sitting here reading a book and not feeling an ounce of guilt? Maybe I should have another kid or something--- ha, ha OR something! And my life always seems to go like that, craziness is rarely spread around but rather jam packed into one week. So thank heavens for a relaxing end of the week!

 I am concerned that this calmness won't last long because the possibility of us moving to Michigan is getting even stronger and that will definitely jam in some more chaos. Tyler has now had 3 interviews with them and they ended by saying they will call sometime soon and schedule for us both to fly up there. Now they've said that before so I'm not counting on it yet but if that phone call happens, then a move will be inevitable- gulp! So many mixed emotions on that one. 

But lets end with happiness- here are 2 adorable pictures (Steven refused to pose for me so it's his own fault he's neglected this week ;) ):

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