Sunday, October 27, 2013


This past weekend while we were eating dinner at Tyler's parents house Ben got a popsicle. He was told to go eat it outside. As most of you know Ben is a slow eater, so all the other kids had already eaten theirs and were back inside. A few minutes later Ben came back in crying. When asked why he replied, "It's too creepy out there!" Poor little scaredy cat Ben.

Also this week I learned that I might never really know what happens at school due to Stevens love of story telling. This past week he told me he spent all day in PE because his teacher was late picking him up. He even ate lunch there and had his own special table. Best day ever! Not true but knowing how much he loves PE, he wishes that would happen.

I think we can officially call Lucy a walker. She still crawls but she chooses to walk a lot more then she chooses to crawl. It is too much fun to watch her toddle about the house.

Tyler's sister Keshia had her baby girl Reese this week so Lucy is officially dethroned as the only Hatch granddaughter. Poor Lucy! But we are so happy that Keshia was able to have a beautiful and healthy baby girl and Steven sure was entranced by her little toes. 

And here are some pictures of the kids making Halloween cookies. We did it for FHE and attempted to deliver some to neighbors but it was dark outside when we went and I think the elderly are afraid of answering the door at that time. We made another attempt in the morning and Ben dropped the cookies on the street. It was at that point, I decided that they were just destined to be eaten by much for sharing...

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