Saturday, October 19, 2013

The Ghost Returns

Last night I was dead asleep when an eerie sound awoke me. Tyler's phone? I wasn't sure so I whacked Tyler a few times until he was also awake (aren't I sweet) and then questioned him about the sound. We opened our door and the sound got louder, it was coming from downstairs and it sounded like classical music. Tyler found the source easily, it was Stevens I Pod  which was attached to Tyler's speakers. The song it was playing, "I See Dead People in Boats" from Pirates of the Caribbean. Creepy? Yes, of all songs to randomly turn on in the middle of the night it had to be that one! I blame our resident ghost.

On a less creepy note... Tyler's still having a tough time with school. But he's having good luck in the job department so we're hoping he graduates! One job possibility is in Chandler and another is in Michigan. Personally the Michigan one terrifies me but it would be an adventure if it pans out.

Also this week, I had a conference with Steven's teacher and it was all good news. He is doing well academically and his behavior is typically good (if only I could say all the time good but he is 5 and he is a Hatch ;) ) Anyways, it is so good to have him loving school and doing so well!

An update on Lucy: she can walk a handful of steps before falling on her bum, she says mama (usually when she is in desperate need of my attention), she is climbing on EVERYTHING (but especially chairs and this week she discovered the boys ladder on their bunk bed), she claps, waves her arms or just throws her food when she's done eating and she also has been growing a tooth which has made her very cranky.

Here are some fun pictures, most taken when I took the kids on walk at the temple this week:

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