Friday, October 11, 2013

Fall Break Fun

The weather has continued to wow us with it's amazingness and with Steven out of school, we've had way too much fun this week. Prepare yourself for a picture OVERLOAD!

On Monday we took a trip down to the ASU Campus after dinner, to meet Tyler for some ice cream and cookies. After chowing down our yummy dessert, we took a walk around campus. It was so fun to reminisce, I have such good memories of going to school there.

On Tuesday and Wednesday we spent a lot of time outside- we went to the Riparian Preserve, Freestone Park and Tumble Weed Park (with my mom). The boys and Lucy are at their happiest when they are out in nature.

On Tuesday, Steven also took some time to draw some spooky Halloween pictures on a small whiteboard I have:

And on Thursday we had our biggest adventure, we went to visit my friend, Katrin, and her daughter, Anika, in Tucson. The drive up was HORRIBLE :( It got super rainy and there were lots of big trucks and my windows got foggy and I just got freaked out. I HATE driving in yucky weather, I'm not sure what I'm going to do if we move somewhere where it actually snows! 

Once we were there though, the rain had cleared up and all was well. We packed a lunch and headed to the Tucson Zoo. Lucy hadn't taken a afternoon nap but she was super fun and happy the whole time. And the boys overall did pretty good.

Ben had gotten an owie the day before and insisted on holding up his pant leg much of the time because he didn't want it to touch the Band-Aide. So weird:

Some highlights were picnicking in the grass, the kids chasing around the random Peacocks that strolled the grounds, a Grizzly Bear resting by the glass of it's cage and then eating, some Lemurs having a screaming contest and a Giraffe munching on some food by the fence...

Can you tell that I am having way to much fun with photo apps?

After the zoo it was nap time for Ben & Lucy & Anika. While they slept me & Steven had some fun taking pictures:

And when they woke up they had some fun too:

Then it was time for some yummy dinner of baked potatoes and chili cheese hot dogs. After that we took a walk over to a nearby Jr. High and let the boys get some wiggles out before we headed home. I was amazed by how many laps (Benny included!) they made around that track.

The drive home was TERRIBLE again. My night vision isn't so fabulous and once again--lots of trucks! And these trucks feel this constant need to pass each other and hang out in the middle and left lanes instead of the far right one. OI! But we survived and at least the kids behaved for me.

So although having Steven home to constantly fight with his brother can make me a little crazy, we have had fun and it's been nice not having to follow a strict schedule with waking up and naps and other such things. Tomorrow we are going to celebrate our last day of Fall Break by going to Vertuccio Farms with my family- super excited :)

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