For FHE this past week we read a story about a kid who told some lies, and each time he lied the Liar Monster grew. I forgot to take my own pic so here is the pic of the Liar Monster from the website I got it from:

After the lesson Steven kept asking if the Liar Monster was in our house and what other monsters were in our house. I felt very much like the whole point of the lesson was missed BUT in the end I have found their belief in the Liar Monster to be very useful. For example....
We were at the park and the boys were climbing up the slide and I heard Ben cry and then saw Steven ascending the slide. I asked Steven what happened and he said, "Ben just fell." So I said, "Come closer so I can see if the Liar Monster is behind you." And then, suddenly he said, "I only pushed him a little." (genuine fear in his voice). And then he asked for confirmation that the truth had destroyed the Liar Monster.
Later on that same day we had another incidence of dishonesty where he told me that the bowl on the table was not his. I told him the Liar Monster was back and he quickly amended his lie. And then, because I am evil, as he turned around I growled at him. I have never seen that kid jump so high!
Anyways, I'm not sure if using fear is really the best way to get Steven to be more truthful but I will say it has been quite successful, regardless.
And also this week, the weather has been wonderful! That has meant lots of outdoor time for the kids: playing in the driveway, walks in the neighborhood and playdates in the park.

We also entered the month of October this week which has made the kids SUPER excited for Halloween. The decorations are up and the dressing up is officially ok to do:
And with the beginning of October, we've had the blessing of watching General Conference this weekend. And we had a fun lunch date with my family in between conference sessions Saturday. Here is Lucy with her cute cousin, Oliver:

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