Sunday, September 8, 2013


It's been a week of sickness in our house. Wednesday night I was awakened to the sound of vomiting. I thought it was one of the kids because it sounded distant but upon further investigation I discovered that the culprit was Tyler- who I had thought was lying in bed with me- but he was in the downstairs bathroom, making an awful noise that reverberated throughout the whole house. Ugh. I was not a sweet and comforting wife but rather I looked at him with disgust and retreated back to bed.

Tyler attempted to go to school (mind you he left to school right after having another bout in the bathroom) but he was home soon after- no big surprise. 

And that same day, Ben woke up from his nap with a gunked up eyes. I wanted to chalk it up to just being allergies because I swear we just had pink eye run rampant through our house. But in the 10 minutes is took us to pick Steven up from school, I could no longer be in denial. I looked at him and it was crazy eye central- swollen and pink. 

And Lucy of course had hopped on the sick boat, her nose had been running like a faucet all that day and she was super fussy. That night she reached the peak of fussiness, like monster baby fussy, and I actually put her down at 6:30 (normally she goes down at 8) and believe it or not, she slept until 6:30 the next day. That was a crazy amount of sleep for her.

The next day, Lucy awoke with gunk in her eye. In need of eye drops for 2 children now I called my doctor's office and made a fatal mistake- I admitted that Lucy had pink eye too. So instead of avoiding a visit, I essentially asked for one- if they're under one they won't order eye drops without a doctor's visit because apparently many babies get ear infections along with pink eye.

So in we went & out we went--$35 spent to be told it's just pink eye. Ugh. Off I went with 2 gross children to pick up eye drops at Target. Once there we had to wait a half hour for the medicine so I got to push my 2 noticeably germy kids through the store.

When we finally got home and I pulled out the drops I noticed a strange picture on them- it looked like an ear. Looking through the info sheet, I soon realized it was an ear. The pharmacist had given me the wrong medicine- good thing I noticed before putting them in the kids' eyes! So for a moment I wallowed in self pity, knowing that I needed to get this fixed but NOT wanting to. I had already made an unnecessary trip to the doctors, and at this point nap time was overdue and I did NOT want to schlep Ben & Lucy to Target again. 

BUT the kid's needed their medicine SO... a phone call was made, apologies were given (along with refunds) and again I drug Ben & Lucy to Target to pick up our now free eye drops. Lesson learned from that day- ALWAYS check your medicine! 

And now, a couple days later, Ben's eyes look normal, Tyler is still feeling funky and though Lucy's eyes look great, she still has a bad cold. And Steven, our normally sick and afflicted child, has remained unscathed through it all :)

Here's some pictures of the boys with their finds from Goodwill & the Dollar Store- they still haven't grasped the concept of saving their money for something big....

And cutie pie Lucy:

1 comment:

  1. OH. MY. GOSH. I'm so glad I just posted about my cute week and then I read this and feel horrible. Lol. That is horrible. I'm not coming near your house for at least a month! I'm sorry for your week!! Oh Ben - that hat is darling.
