Sunday, September 22, 2013

Goodbye dumb phone

Yesterday something wonderful happened! I finally got smart! I know you're all thinking, "It's about time", and I feel the same way. It's hard to live life when you're missing something so important and vital to living. Wait a minute...did you just say brains? I was talking about a smart phone here!

Ok so I really was probably better off without this phone because I'm already spending way too much time on it. But I must admit I was smitten with it as soon as I discovered the Swype keyboard. And then getting free Minion ring tones was just the icing on the cake. I am super pleased with my new phone and feeling grateful that my hubby finally let me have one and Mike let us on his plan so it'd be affordable.

Another great thing this week happened at the mall of all places. Steven was mourning the loss of a quarter that was eaten by a gum ball machine as a teenager walked by. This teenager looked a little rough around the edges but he did something super nice at that moment. He threw a dollar at my boys and said, " Take this." They immediately put it in the change machine and my boys were so happy, 4 free quarters! The teenager took off before we could properly thank him but what a kind thing he did! His mom would be proud!

And to close off this week of goodness, Tyler gave a talk in church and it was wonderful. It's the only time I get to see him be emotional and I love it. So as you can see, life is fabulous. And Ben's face shows that perfectly!

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