Saturday, September 14, 2013

Teddy Bears, Writing & Productiveness

This week Steven had his Teddy Bear Parade at school. For Steven's float I borrowed a small red wagon from my parent's and then gave him some random things to decorate it with. He had a pirate skull paper plate in the front, a frog on one side, a heart monster on another... And then he "artfully" tore some streamers and taped them in random places. When done, he picked out the tiniest bear you could imagine and plopped it in on top of a pillow. There were some parents---note, parents not kids--- that went all out on their floats. One was a replica of a bus, I swear. I was impressed with the parent's talent. But I still loved Steven's float the most.

Anyways, it was fun to watch Steven pull his little wagon with the sun shining in his eyes and his bear flopped over in the corner of his wagon. Kindergartners are cute :)

Also this week, Steven decided he loves to write-- a huge change from his attitude towards writing this summer. One night he started copying words from an ABC book & did not want to go to bed because he "needed to finish his work!" I left him on the floor of his room copying words in the glow of the hallway light. I'm not sure what time he finally gave up but he did make it to the letter 'L'. Below if a picture of him holding all the words he wrote--- too bad you can't see the words but that page is literally filled with them.

Right now he is making a story- having me write the words on a white board and then copying them down in his book. Here are some excerpts: " The guy put the treasure in his house and then ran away" "The guy eats popcorn, has candy and washes his hands twice."The man's cup got knocked over and sprayed water in the air." 

And because I know my children are going to want to know this stuff when they read this in the future, I have been super productive this week (see isn't that an exciting fact ;) ) It is only mid-September and I already have all costumes planned and purchased. Steven will be Calvin (red striped shirt & black shorts & shoes), Lucy will be Hobbes (adorable tiger costume) & Ben will be Frankenstein (Steven's old costume). Also this week, I have purchased Lucy's birthday gifts and a Christmas present (used play kitchen in great shape & super cheap). I am so ridiculously on top of things which although, I think that makes me awesome, Tyler thinks that is embarrassing. Whatever ;) !

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