Saturday, July 27, 2013

July's End

-As you can see, Lucy is now pulling herself up on things. Which means all the things I piled on top of the coffee table & train table to keep away from her are now within her reach again. Now I have to find a new place for all that junk!
-She is also growing her 7th tooth- this does not make her a happy camper (despite deceiving above picture).
-This week she had her first taste of meat- thanks to me! I used my baby bullet to make her some chicken & rice. Yes, I'm amazing! But the amazingness may stop soon. It's getting too time consuming and she is liking thicker textured food so we might be entering the finger food phase soon...
- Today she got to see Bryce Turley because Patty's in town (yay!). They kept smiling at each other and even played footsies. I see a future with these two ;)
- She also got to hang out with her best buddy, Jaylee (sorry Karen, Jaylee kept blinking so this was the best I could get). 

- This boy has been a lot of trouble lately. Not sure what's going on with him but there has been major attitude towards me, talking back and an excessive use of the word "hate" & "sucker" (and he's not referring to lollipops). Maybe he's trying to get me excited about him starting Kindergarten in a week and a half....
-Speaking of Kindergarten, we went to do some school shopping this week- just me & him. He picked out some pretty awesome high top black & orange sneakers and some orange basketball shorts (his backpack also has orange in it too--- I sense a favorite color surfacing here). I can't wait to take first day of school pictures of him wearing his new gear. However, I don't love shopping with him. He is SLOW as molasses walking down the aisles. I thought we would be quicker with just the two of us but due to his snail pace, it took us a couple of hours. 

- Oh my Benny, he absolutely adores his shark shirt. Wears it every other day (but he would wear it everyday if it didn't have to be washed). 
-He also got a new pair of shoes this week  - black with neon green accents- and he wants to wear those everyday too. The first couple days after getting his shoes he had to ask anyone who came over if they wanted to see his new shoes. It's funny how much 1 new thing means to him. Steven got lots of stuff for school and didn't seem to care so much and all it took was one new pair of shoes to brighten Benny's whole week. I suppose that's what happens when most of what you get is hand me downs.
- A few days ago I was feeling kind of funky so I complained about it and Benny said, "I'm gonna love you!" And I said, "Oh yeah!?" And he said, "Yup! Cause love makes everything better!" Then he came up and gave me hug and a kiss on the cheek. He can be such a sweetie.

-Thursday night Boston came to stay with us and he'll be with us until Sunday, late afternoon. Both the boys fight over who gets to be his friend and whose bunk bed he gets to sleep in at night. They sure love their cousin! 

-And today I thought I was finally going to be cool like all my sister-in-laws and get me a pair of Toms at this Toms Warehouse sale they were having in Tempe but I suppose I am just not meant to be cool. Me & Patty went with a total of 5 children (her 2, and Lucy, Ben & Boston) and arrived to see pure craziness. After waiting in line for 40 minutes and still not stepping foot into the actual store, we decided the kids would not last the remaining 2 hours we would probably be there for so we left while everyone was still happy. No $20 Toms for me or $10 Toms for Lucy :( So depressing but at least our kids were amazingly well behaved while we were there and at least we had fun socializing. 

1 comment:

  1. Seven teeth! Oh my word! I'm very impressed by your meat blending bravery. Aw - Ben is a sweetie!
